Friday, October 22, 2010

El Dia de Los Muertos

There are pluses and there are minuses to writing this Blog and one of the latter is feeling obligated to read the feeds from most liberal sources. Usually I do that first thing in the morning and it works wonders for my figure because, after reading much of this mindless blather, I don’t feel like a lot of breakfast.

Yesterday revealed a lot about liberals and we saw that they’re not too bright and they are the most intolerant people in the world.

Let’s talk about stupidity first..

A couple of days ago, Sarah Palin made a speech where she asked the audience to reserve the post-electoral celebration until after the election. She reminded them that this is not 1773.

Well the liberal blogosphere lit up with derision including such luminaries as Politico and Daily Kos which is financed by George Soros. And I’m naming only a couple but it was all over the place which you could not have failed to notice if you tuned into any radio or TV network.


Those liberal outlets have one thing in common. They all flunked History.

Governor Palin was talking to a Tea Party audience and she was talking about the Boston Tea Party. Guess when that happened? Not 1776 which all the liberal voices assumed but rather 1773.

The key to understanding liberals is twofold.

For a start, they always telegraph who they fear and their tactics are always the same. First they ridicule and if that fails, they denigrate.

We saw it with Reagan, we saw it with George W. and we saw it with Sarah Palin. Well two of those went on to occupy the Oval Office and the jury is still out on the third. Note though that Bob Dole and McCain were not similarly lampooned. Remember?

And the other dead give-away is that liberals are not. The ones who claim they value free speech are the ones who want to strangle it. The liberals are the ones who want to cut off talk radio. They are the ones who want to put Fox off the air. They are the ones who want the “Fairness Doctrine”.

Now it’s time to mention Juan Williams.

Yes the guy is a liberal but at least he’s been civil so far. But now he has broken the NPR code of silence and demanded that the organization stand on its own feet and cut off the umbilical cord of governmental support which means my tax dollars. Especially when the views expressed are way out on the extreme of the political spectrum.

Vivian Schiller is the CEO of National Public Radio and she put the icing on the cake of the Juan Williams’ firing when she justified it with this gem. “His views should been restricted to conversations with his psychiatrist”. Well it took about 20 minutes for the NPR lawyers to scurry around in order to explain what Vivian meant to say.

But they didn’t get to Gwen Ifill of PBS in time because she simply piled on with the same or similar rhetoric.

And isn’t it telling that the liberal Blogs have been silent as well as much of the liberal media. Where is Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson?

But this Blog calls NPR out here and now and the alphabet networks as well.

And so, the week went. One liberal screw-up after another as we close in on November 2.

The Day of the Dead!

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