Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Keys to the Mini-Bar!

If you write a Blog there are two constant fears. For a start, “writer’s block” is ever looming and close behind it is an unreliable computer. Well the past week has done nothing to eliminate the former but, at long last, I was forced to do something about the latter.

Buying a new system was the easy bit. Moving all the stuff from the old to the new, however, was very slow and getting it all to work as it should was even worse.

And, of course, it had to happen when Obama was getting his lumps in the mid-term elections but since all the drama took place almost a week ago and you know it all already, I won’t bore you with rehashing the delightfully gory details except for this mind-picture.

Wouldn’t you just love to be there when Pelosi is forced to hand over the keys to her personal Boeing 757 courtesy of the US Air Force and, of course you, the benevolent tax payer? 

The closest image I can conjure up is that of Hillary Clinton clinging onto the drapes in the Oval Office in January of 2001 and her finger nails raking ten paths across the rug as she was dragged out of the White House for the last time as FLOTUS (First Lady of the United States).

Then for 8 years we were blessed with a gracious FLOTUS, Laura Bush, and now we’ve reverted to a Hillary-type again in the person of Michelle Obama. She, “ma belle Michelle” was castigated for spending millions on a vacation in Spain last summer when she took over most of an exclusive resort for her and her friends. But now we know where she gets her tastes from.

For the presidential safari to India and elsewhere in Asia it was deemed necessary to occupy all 500 rooms of the Taj Mahal Hotel, take along 3000 people in 40 aircraft and to have some 35 US Naval vessels in the harbor just in case. Just in case of what has not been delineated by the White House or by the Indian government. 

Also unspecified is the cost of this mammoth boondoggle and, while some have speculated that the tab could run as high as $200 million per day, this has been denied by Washington DC but who have coyly refused to come up with the real number.

Anyway, whatever it is, we can feel a sense of relief that we’re not paying for the removal of coconuts from the trees along the route of the presidential motorcades. This was the treat of the Indian authorities in order to ensure that the limousines paint jobs would maintain their pristine perfection as well as that of the presidential cranium.

Well after the trauma of last week’s ignominy it’s going to take a lot of TLC to restore a sense of presidential well-being as those events do not bode well for a second Obama term. For make no mistake about it, it is not in his character to deviate from his ideologically-driven agenda. He, in fact, said that he did not view the election result as repudiation of him or his policies and vehemently denied that they were taking the country in the wrong direction. 

Inevitably, one is forced therefore to one of two conclusions and I’ll leave it to you to choose the one you like.

The results emphatically were a repudiation of Obama and his policies and those pronouncements can only mean the man is either a liar or a fool.

I tend to think increasingly that he is a one-termer and that he knows it and so he and his angry FLOTUS are going to take whatever they can get in the next two years just as they’ve done in the previous two.

Interestingly enough, part of my efforts to get this new computer up and running involved talking to a support rep in India and during one of several reboots we discussed this visit. He was no more pleased than I about what it was costing and he hadn’t even figured in the coconuts.

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