Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Pink Berets?

I know all about spin and I learned it very early at Western Road Junior School. As if by unspoken fiat, one day each Spring the juvenile jocks stopped playing football and dug out the cricket bats while  the less athletic stopped playing marbles and brought their whips and spinning tops for recess. And I was good at the latter and held the record for keeping my top spinning for a good 15 minutes.

However, my juvenile prowess pales into obscurity when compared with Obama’s spin doctors.

Headlines in liberal newspapers and the leaders on the alphabet networks trumpet the news of the reemergence of Obama as “the Comeback Kid”. The issue of course is his “success” with the lame-duck Congress in passing “ground breaking” legislation.

Well for a start there was START, the arms limitation treaty. Would someone tell me how taking shells out of the magazine of my firearm makes me safer? And that’s what it comes down to because there is no verification that the other side is doing the same thing.


In fact, Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian President and puppet of Vladimir Putin said, “Don’t expect a reduction of weapons soon” and he could have added but didn’t, “If at all”.

And note that the treaty only addresses strategic weaponry and does nothing about those of a tactical nature where Russia holds vast numerical superiority. In other words, we’ve agreed to a reduction where we hold the advantage but Russia will not have to reduce where they hold the edge.

Sounds a one-sided deal to me and the one side is not our side.

Now we come to the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”. For a start what a slap in the mouth for Clinton, that doyen of the Left, who came up with the idea of DADT in the first place back in 1996?

It will be interesting to see what happens to this new policy when he’s had the opportunity to caucus with military leaders. We already know that the Commandant of the Marine Corps is implacably opposed. Now the other service branches may be more prone to fold because of political pressure and correctness but that doesn’t mean they actually approve.

So what next, coed showers? The rank and file won’t get a say in the subject nor should they because you don’t run an effective military as a democracy. However, they will have a say when it’s time to reenlist. It will be interesting to see what happens to those rates but, on the other hand, it won’t matter as I’m sure that the lines are already forming at recruitment offices with gays and lesbians who are free at last to flock to the colors. 

OK, it’s now time to turn to the greatest of Obama’s “political triumphs”.

You would have to be a latter day Rip Van Winkle to have missed this one; namely the Tax Rate legislation. At almost every speech and at almost every press conference for the last 2 years, Obama, threatened or promised to allow the Bush era tax reductions to ride off into the sunset. Even on the campaign trail before that, Obama sang very same song again and again and again.

Then, less than a month ago, he reversed his rhetorical course and was all for it. It wasn’t that the new House had been sworn in yet. He still had Democrat majorities in the Senate and the House. So why was that not enough?

Could it be that even he began to see that every policy he learned from Keynes or Chomsky or Alinsky or Jeremiah Wright didn’t work?


He’s out of ideas and he’ll try anything.

But OK, I’ll give the Left their moment in the Sun for now. Let’s see how Obama does a few months from now when, if the 112th Congress does the job it was sent to do, gives him a fight. The petulant little boy will pout and stamp his presidential foot because nobody ever said “No” before!

And let’s hope and pray that the new Congress has the testicular fortitude to say just that.

By the way, despite my prowess as a 9 year old, I still don’t do whips.


Make me an offer!

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