Sunday, August 30, 2009

Just for the Record

Some of the readers of this Blog have heard most of this before but I know there are some new ones and I felt it necessary to say it again.

Again, some of this audience will already know that one reader disagreed vehemently with my point of view and asked to be removed from my Distribution List which I did and I confirmed the action. But, seemingly that was not enough and, instead of arranging to post his dissent in the Blog, he decided, to send an email to the addresses on my Distribution List. I do not know how many recipients read it and I don’t really care but I would like to establish some ground rules for the future.

As I’ve said before, when one writes a Blog it will generate disagreement if it’s any good and it’s only through diverse viewpoints that the truth can be better defined. But there must be a “code of behavior” to make the process work.

When I established the Blog at the start of this year I was required to adhere to certain conditions imposed by the hosting site. There must be neither obscene postings nor any libelous content and I, as the creator, am on the hook to see those standards are maintained. I am also held responsible for all the contributors and their postings.

This Blog is “Open” and in order to be a contributor all a person has to do is to drop me an email and that person will be added the next time I log on. For now at least, my email address is although that will be changing in a few weeks as my ISP upgrades their fiber speeds. When it does I'll post the new one in this forum as well as sending an email to the contacts in my Address Book. I commit that I will not change or edit the content of anything that is written just as long as the prohibitions on obscenity and libel are honored. One other caveat, and this one is mine and not imposed by the hosting site, “ad hominem” attacks towards another contributor are out principally because they don’t get us anywhere.

Finally I regret any inconvenience to the readers whose inbox gained a little more unwanted clutter but I gather the attempt may have backfired as some recipients retaliated by forwarding even more electronic "ammo" to the original perpetrator.

Happy Blogging!

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