Thursday, August 6, 2009

Let's Get Married in Reno, have the honeymoon in Tahoe, drive back to Reno, get divorced and then fly home!

Only three good things ever happen in Reno, Nevada and they happen on a regular basis. For a start, every summer an event is held called the “Reno Air Races”. I won’t take up your blog reading time by describing it because there are lots of websites where you can watch it for yourself.

But, for those from Lake Havasu think the Indianapolis 500 with wings and at a much higher speed. The other is different and it’s called “Hot August Nights” and, trust me, you really don’t want to go there.

Speaking, though, of August nights, there’s a few coming up around the rest of the country as the Congress has adjourned for the summer recess and it used to be that they couldn’t wait to get out of the humidity of DC and wallow in the pool of their constituents. This year will be different though.

It all started about 10 days ago in Philadelphia when Arlen Specter a, now, Democratic senator and Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of Health and Human Services held a “Town Hall Meeting”. With Sebelius in attendance it shouldn’t have been surprising that the subject of healthcare reform was raised. My readers in this country know what happened and my readers elsewhere probably don’t care.

But, again for the people of Lake Havasu, Specter and the Secretary were almost run out of town on a rail.

And this was Philadelphia, one of the most union dominated cities in the country.

Politicians, for the most part, are not too bright. They are lots of other things but smart is not one except when it comes down to survival and reelection. So many representatives returned to their local offices, cancelled any public sessions they had planned and hid under their desks. My own congressman, Harry Mitchell announced that for most of August he would be out of town.

But, just as in pre-Revolution days, what started in Philadelphia didn’t stay there. Maybe that’s where Las Vegas got the slogan? The point being that, you don’t stamp out dissent by ignoring it.

I cannot claim to be a political analyst with any knowledge of any inside track. But I do know that as soon as the other side starts to attack the messenger instead of the message they’re scared and the message is valid.

Some denounced these audiences as “Insurance Company plants”.

Barbara Boxer of California said that they couldn’t be real Americans because they were too well dressed.

Pelosi branded all opponents as a “Mob” and later added that many were wearing swastikas.

Doesn’t it strike even Obama disciples as just a little odd that a proud “Community Organizer” whines when an actual community actually organizes?

But Obama isn’t just whining. In true Chicago thug style, the White House has ordered Union goons to attend any and all future town meetings. Will they wear brown shirts or black shirts I wonder?

And, just in case some dissenter doesn’t show up in order to exercise their First Amendment rights while running the gauntlet of Rahm Emanuel’s ordered billy clubs, the White House has another strategy. As a Jew, he should be ashamed to recite the Shema.

In perfect synchronization with bullies everywhere, Obama is demanding that he be informed of any negative statements about the impending legislation and has even established a place where you can fink out your friends because, Yes, casual conversations are included.

Not first but notable for a similar tactic came the Gestapo, the KGB and Mao’s “Cultural Revolution”. So I guess we abort the First Amendment.

In order to save Obama and Emanuel and my liberal readers the trouble, I’ve already sent in my guilty plea and I included my name, telephone number and my home address. So come and get me. Bring help. And bring your mob!!

If you want to do the same, the email address is Maybe we can share a cell?

Oh, the other good thing about Reno. They have “quickie divorces”.

I’m ready to file!!!

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