Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Go Away and Don't Confuse Me with Facts!

Two posts ago I referred to a new reader who had taken me to task for not continuing to blame George W. Bush for every ill that has befallen mankind since the Black Death peaked in Europe in 1348 CE.

Ever eager to play along with a theme that is dear to any visitor to this site and, knowing that the requestor was not willing or prepared to answer my questions about Obama’s record, I decided to ask some questions about President Bush.

The result was an email from the person in question telling me that she did not wish to be notified of any new posts without regard to author or content. Moreover, I know she is not the first nor the last to feel that way. For it seems an old defence mechanism is reborn in the world.

In order to write this Blog it is necessary for me to venture into the belly of the beast so I can see and hear what insanities the liberal Left is up to including Obama himself. Now, when I do, I realize that I must gird my loins against any possible contamination but at least I do listen.

Not so the liberals, many of whom have spun a cocoon of silence around themselves in order to shut out the voices of reason.

And let’s face it, they have good cause to if they are going to continue along their chosen path in the wake of the “Prince of Peace”.

How can you take any movement seriously when this little gem was aired on one of the Sunday talking head shows last weekend and I quote, “Thank G-d, the United States has natural gas reserves because otherwise we’d have to rely on fossil fuels”? That came from Ms. Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and third in line to the Presidency.

Or, how about ACORN? You know that “benevolent” organization where the Great Leader cut his baby teeth as a Community Organizer. In the last few weeks, they’ve been banished from any involvement with the upcoming 2010 national census because of their proven voter registration fraud in Florida and elsewhere. And we mustn’t forget their immortal performances caught on tape in Baltimore and Washington DC advising on the best way to import young teenage girls from Central America for the purposes of prostitution and how to avoid taxation on their ill-gotten gains.

I’ve talked about Afghanistan before but still this Commander in Chief “dithers”.

Yes, that was Vice-President Cheney’s verb and he’s right. Young men and women are dying because of this ditherer’s inaction on greater deployment and because of the new ROE (Rules of Engagement). And it’s not just American lives but those of other Allied forces and Afghani citizens as well.

Let’s not forget Fox News and all they did was report the news with their own spin but Obama unleashed his Pit Bulls. I’m sure that Fox’s’ competitors were tempted to go along with the White House boycott but, for once, sanity prevailed and they stood resolute. Not just because it was the right thing to do even though it was but also because they knew they could be next.

Then there is the ongoing debacle over healthcare including the subject of coverage for illegal immigrants. Obama has stated on several occasions that no such coverage is planned. Why then did Democrats on Capitol Hill vote down Republican proposals to write that into any proposed legislation? And they did so, not once but twice!

Last night on the floor of the House, there was Sheila Jackson-Lee from Houston, Texas bemoaning that, because Obamacare was not available, the H1 NI virus would seek out her constituents who were currently uninsured. Rabble-rousers like her do not concern themselves with facts such as that the vaccine is available free to anyone at risk today nor did she add that any “Public Option” would not be available until 2013 at the earliest. And how would the virus know where to go?

Perhaps Ms. Lee proposes some sign on the door akin to that detailed in Exodus?

Mind you, this is the same woman who, when on a visit to NASA to watch the "Mars Rover" doing its thing, wanted to know if it was going to visit the spot where the Apollo 11 crew planted the flag in 1969.

Go figure!

Small wonder then that the latest Rasmussen Poll of likely voters shows Obama at a minus 13. The actual numbers were Strongly Approve – 27% and Strongly Disapprove – 40%.

With all this going on, it’s surely time for all believers to spin another layer of soundproofing and drown out the growing cacophony of dissent by repeating the mantras of “Yes We Can” and “Hope And Change”.

Nevertheless, even to the most fervent these must seem more and more hollow and unconvincing these days.

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