Saturday, November 7, 2009

"I wish his name were Smith."

I’ve known a couple of people who have undergone psychological evaluation and counseling. Who they are and why they did is of no consequence now but both of them reported the same thing, which was that the counselors seemed to be the crazy ones in need of help.

And so it seems to have been at Fort Hood, Texas a couple of days ago. Either that or the shooter is simply a Muslim extremist who, while working at Walter Reed Army Hospital, held seminars trying to explain why all infidels should convert to Islam. And let’s face it, there is little practical difference between the two alternatives.

In addition, the good major is on record trying to draw moral equivalence between a GI who deliberately falls on a live grenade and a Muslim suicide bomber while completely overlooking that the GI dies in order to save lives and the bomber dies in order to take them

Anyway, this perverted individual seems to be the first reported case of PPTSD or Pre-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as he’s never been deployed to any conflict anywhere or so his eventual legal advocate will claim when and if the tragedy comes to trial.

Already, the drive-by news outlets are beginning to portray this Major Hasan as the victim while diluting the trauma done to the murdered and their grieving relatives. Not surprisingly, CNN got it wrong from the get-go as they automatically assumed that the perpetrator had to be an angry Caucasian with probable right-wing militia ties. Wrong!!

I must confess to being torn about Hasan’s eventual fate. Do I want him to die from his wounds or do I want him to be tried for his monstrous act? If it turns out to be the latter, it will at least be under the Uniform Code of Military Justice which, last time I checked, still had hanging on the books.

All of this will be revealed in due course and I suspect that regular readers are scratching heads and wondering when I am going to get to our “fearless” leader and the answer is now.

One of his principal duties is as Commander in Chief and that entails being a leader of troops. Obama emerged on to a lawn at the White House from a meeting involving Native American issues, fully aware of that which had happened in Texas but took minutes to even mention the tragedy.

Now don’t take my word for it because here is a transcript of his words as reported in “The Washington Post” ……….

“Please, everybody, have a seat. Let me first of all just thank Ken and the entire Department of the Interior staff for organizing just an extraordinary conference.

I want to thank my Cabinet members and senior administration officials who participated today. I hear that Dr. Joe Medicine Crow was around, and so I want to give a shout out to that Congressional Medal of Honor winner. It's good to see you.


My understanding is that you had an extremely productive conference. I want to thank all of you for coming and for your efforts, and I want to give you my solemn guarantee that this is not the end of a process, but the beginning of a process and that we are going to follow up.


We are going to follow up. Every single member of my team understands that this is a top priority for us. I want you to know that, as I said this morning, this -- this is not something that we just give lip service to. And we are going to keep on working with you to make sure that the first Americans get the best possible chances in life in a way that's consistent with your extraordinary traditions and culture and values.

Now, I have to say, though, that beyond that, I had planned to make some broader remarks about the challenges that lay ahead for Native Americans as well as collaboration with our administration.

But as some of you might have heard, there has been a tragic shooting at the Fort Hood Army base in Texas ................"

This is the leader of troops, many of whom are now dead?

Remember the lampooning of President Bush as he sat in that elementary classroom back in 2001?

But, before I move on, I must point out that Obama awarded the recipient the Medal of Freedom and not the Congressional Medal of Honor and there are good reasons for that. First of all, the latter is awarded for bravery and secondly, as the name implies, it is not awarded by the President.

Then the next day, his Press Secretary Mr.Gibbs promised more as he announced a further statement.

What we got was a “firm promise to lower all flags to half staff until Veterans’ Day”.

And then he couldn’t wait to move onto other things.

For a start, he was breathless to announce that fewer jobs had been lost in October than the month before. This must come as a great comfort to the more than 190,000 Americans who did and who had boosted the total to 10.2%.

Then he went on to assure us that the shortage of H1 N1 vaccine was not his fault.

Is anything?

Finally, I must return to the terrorist murders at Fort Hood and highlight the politically correctness attitudes that allow a Major Hasan to be in a position to do what he did.

One unidentified Army spokesperson said it all. “I wish that his name were Smith”.

And so does CNN. And probably Obama as well.

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