Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hell hath no fury ----------

Sometimes, when I sit down at this keyboard I stare at my notes and I don’t know where to start. Scarier yet is sitting down at the same keyboard with no idea where the post will finish. What conclusion could a reader take away? What conclusion do I want a reader to take away?

But today, I decided to take a different tack for, in the absence of any message or theme or topic which leaped out at me, I went in search of another commonality. And I found one. And that commonality is sex.

Now don’t get me wrong as it’s not meant to indicate any sense of prurience in the text which follows but merely my sources.

For a start, I received the words below from a woman I know in Northern California. I will go no further with identification for reasons which are obvious to me and to her, but she wrote:

“I really, really wanted to believe in his promises (not that he got my vote), but almost from the beginning I could see a 'change' in his demeanor (like he was holding back his true feelings of total smugness). Just as I tried to support Clinton … ugh, the day he wagged that finger, I wanted to shove it down this throat. I never could call him President …………….

“The only consolation I have is that from all the anger (misdirected or not; misconstrued or not) will turn things around come November. I hear it from all corners of the States”

Strike One Obama

Then there was Pelosi’s truly amazing statement which I reported on a few posts ago that, “We must pass the healthcare bill so we can all see what’s in it”.

Then she followed that idiocy with yet another and here it is, paraphrased, I admit.

“Imagine a society where you don’t have to stay in your day-job when what you really want to do is paint, or be a photographer or write. But you know that you dare not leave that job because you need to provide care for a bi-polar dependent.”

So, now let me get this straight. Do you Speaker Pelosi want me to provide healthcare for those who want to paint pictures? It’s a worthy and sometimes an all consuming drive. Just ask Van Gogh. But I’m supposed to pick up the cost of reattaching his ear?

And what about the mandatory requirement for every American to buy insurance or pay a fine of $8500 per year or maybe even go to jail? Where's a "starving artist" supposed to come with that kind of green?

Strike Two Obama

Then there was Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC earlier this week, whining as only she can, to an interviewee, whose name I don’t recall, “But what happens if we don’t get healthcare through. His power is gone – it’s over.”

Then she went on, “You have to get it done for him”.
Or is it HIM?

Strike Three Obama

But, after all that, if you’d like a little relief, click on the link below>
And, before you ask; The above link came from a woman too and so did the picture at the top.

Happy Daylight Savings Time

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