Friday, March 26, 2010

Obama Stash

I don't know about you, but I think it's time for a dose of reality based on common sense. This is, admittedly, a rare commodity these days.

For on the one hand, there is euphoria on the middle left of the political spectrum while their brethren on the far left are enraged with a bitter sense of betrayal. On the other hand, the more conservative are contemplating a mass wrist-slashing in the light of that which they see as doom and gloom personified.

The issue, of course, is Obamacare which is no longer just the Holy Grail for some and imminent Armageddon for others, but is now the law of the land. Thus, it is time to sort out fact from fiction and promise from threat.

Most people in this country see their health plans renewed in November each year, at least that's when they make their selection of coverages for the year to come. So, while each option has an associated price tag, any changes don't become apparent until January. It's likely that, only then, will severe cases of "sticker shock" be observed.

It's possible that some people will see a 300% increase in their medical premiums! This is in stark contrast with the $2500 decrease, promised by Obama on the campaign trail, and in the runup to the passage of the healthcare bill.

But, I can hear Obama now as he will use this dichotomy to launch another attack on the insurance industry even though such an onslaught would be patently unfair and unjustified. Let's try to take the heat out of the argument and replace it with a healthy dose of light.

Even the casual listener to the arguments, both pro and con, will have gleaned a few facts about the new law. For a start, insurance companies cannot refuse coverage to anyone who applies. Nor can they even consider pre-existing conditions.

So what is to dissuade anyone from seeking to buy insurance only when they are sick? The answer in real terms is nothing. Oh, there will be fines for anyone who doesn't buy insurance, but considering the premiums, this might be the better option. How about not buying auto insurance until after the accident?

An insurance company just like any other business is required by statute to make a profit, or to try at least, and in the circumstances described above this will not be made any easier especially when the new law forbids them from singling out any one individual for higher premiums.

Thus, the only defense the company has is to consider the worst case scenario and charge higher premiums to everyone. And, it's no use the liberal left chanting that the so-called "public option", where the Federal Government becomes the insurance company, is the answer.

Well, that government is already broke, as we know. Thus, they shouldn't and won't tolerate any more losses than a private insurer. For it is an easily checked fact that governments raise money in only one of three ways. They print it, or they borrow it, or they collect it via taxation, but the end result is the same. We the American people pick up the tab, if not by higher taxes then through a devalued currency.

I had a deja-vu moment earlier this week when I heard a guy from the Carolinas declare that he was so happy that he now had health insurance because he didn't have to worry. "I'ts like Christmas," he gushed. The interviewer seemed disinclined to point out it would be at least four years before Santa was due, but whether that omission was due to ignorance, ill-placed compassion or political motivation was unclear.

Do you remember on the campaign that Obama held a Town Hall meeting in Florida when a woman begged him for a car and a house with kitchen? I wonder if she ever got either?

Then there was the woman in Detroit a few months ago who waited in line with thousands of others to apply for a housing grant. When she was asked where she believed the money was coming from she went up the line.

"From the City of Detroit," she offered hopefully.

"No, No," she corrected herself, "From the Government."

"No, No," she triumphantly concluded, "From Obama."

Her friend then added, "We're going to get some of that 'Obama stash', and that's why we voted for him."

Here are a few more facts in the aftermath of Obamacare passage. Pelosi is at 11% approval. Reid is at 7% and the 'Promised One' himself is at 46%.

And let's not forget that the Premier of one of Canada's provinces came to Florida for his personal medical care!

Of course, Obama has now turned to other things as he seeks " comprehensive immigration reform." This is "codespeak" for amnesty, and if Obama thought the healthcare issue was confrontational and unpopular, he hasn't seen anything yet.

So Obama bring it on !!!

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