Monday, August 9, 2010

Politics makes Strange Bedfellows!

I’m really not much of a fan of TV and certainly not late-night television but every once in a while the arms of Morphius elude me and I turn on the insidious box.

Thus it was recently that happenstance took me to the CBS show hosted by one David Letterman who is a liberal kind of guy, and like many on the left, old Dave is kind of frustrated these days. A new Gallup poll has Obama's job approval rating at just 41 percent, with 53 percent disapproving. Those are the lowest numbers Gallup has posted since Obama was inaugurated more than a year and a half ago.

So Dave is seeking answers to the president's diminishing popularity, and that kind of conversation usually involves the Fox News Channel, which is considered by the left to be all anti-Obama, all the time. Now I and the outlet itself dispute that perception but there is no doubt that Fox News is the most skeptical TV news organization when it comes to analyzing the president.

And isn't it about time someone did?

Consider this: If Obama was being worked over the way President Bush was by the establishment media, his job approval rating would probably be in the 20 percent range. Remember the brutal media beating Bush took? Today, the mainstream press is largely neutral or positive on Obama, even as many Americans are having doubts about him.

But let's get back to Letterman. Speaking with far-left MSNBC News commentator Rachel Maddow on his program, Dave listened as she put forth the preposterous theory that Fox News wants to frighten white Americans by reporting negatively about black Americans. "Scaring white people is good politics on the conservative side of the spectrum, and it always has been. The idea is that you sort of rile up the white base to be afraid of an other, to be afraid of scary immigrants or scary black people..."

In the past, paranoid, dishonest rants like that would have been dismissed as fringe speak. But not anymore. Without a shred of evidence, a guest on Letterman's "Late Show" (which by the way gets trounced in the ratings by Fox every night according the people who check these things) defines an entire news organization as a racist enterprise. And Letterman goes along with the program, adding: "These people are continuing to fan this flame and ... that is cancer."


The only people Fox News is scaring are far-left loons who see their shining city on the hill on fire.

For 18 months, the United States has been governed from the left, and things are not going well. I'm sorry if this analysis frightens some folks, but when you spend a half-trillion dollars trying to stimulate the economy and you create just 600,000 jobs, well, people are going to notice.
When the war in Afghanistan turns chaotic, Americans are not going to be pleased. When the nation's debt is increased by more than a trillion dollars a year because of record spending, folks are going to get a bit nervous. So, in order to counter those realities, the far left must divert attention from them. Thus, the scary black people deal.

In reply, here's a Top 1 list for Letterman and his liberal cronies: The American people don't need to be "riled" up by phony race baiting.

They are already riled up by reality. And the polls prove it.

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