Monday, August 16, 2010

One Day we'll learn, but I'm not sure quite when ...

Well it happened again. A co-founder of Hamas and Obama are singing from the same prayer book or whatever Muslims use for their devotions.

At the White House “Iftar, a few days ago, Obama declared his support for the mosque at Ground Zero and then, on one of the talk shows yesterday, the killer from Hamas concurred.

Something on my liberal-sensing radar tells me that some bleeding heart somewhere wants to praise Obama for hosting an “Iftar”. What’s an “Iftar” you may well ask?

Well it’s a celebratory meal to mark the breaking of the fast of a day of Ramadan.

“Good”, says my imagined but very real liberal, “But we’re at least reaching out and Obama is doing the reaching”.

Not so fast there. The first president to host an Iftar was not Obama but the Nemesis, the Darth Vader, the Death Star. No, no, cries my real but imaginary liberal .

Sorry but "Yes", it was George W. Bush.

And guess when?

2001 is when.

And what good did it do us then or since or now?

The Imam who wants to build his new mosque near to Ground Zero already has another outlet of his very own franchise of the “Religion of Peace” within 12 city blocks. And there are more than 20 mosques within the city of New York already.

And, Oh by the way; the Houston Chronicle reported that debris from the Twin Towers did fall on the building and the site of this insult. And so did parts of the landing gear and fuselage of American Airlines Flight 175. And who knows what body parts as well of men and women and babies and babies yet unborn.

I spent the weekend with an ex New Yorker and an Obama voter who is appalled by the whole thing. I tried to explain my personal dichotomy namely my head and my heart.

My head says that, provided zoning laws are not compromised the proposal should have been approved as it was,

But my heart is with the survivors of 911. This was not an attack on the World Trade Center alone. Let’s not forget the Pentagon nor wherever United 93 was headed.

It was an attack on all of us. Christian, Jew, Hindu and yes Muslim as well.

What can be gained by building a lightning rod so close to a center of huge emotion? Both love and hatred. For surely, hatred it was that drove those airplanes to the destruction of so many. And equally surely, it is love now that drives the living to remember their dead.

The one certain way to transform that love into a new paroxysm of new hate is to shove a $1 Billion memorial into the minds of those who visit sacred ground.

Then, Obama came out yesterday and today with an attempt to backtrack.

Yesterday, Obama took a swim. Not quite in the Gulf but close enough for liberal media fawning. There on the beach was the “TOTUS”, the Teleprompter of the United States who tried and failed to tell us that he didn’t say what he’d clearly said just a few hours before.

What made the difference? The Polls. What Else?

Mostly, I start out these posts with a cartoon but not today.

G-d Bless America.

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