Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's a Dogs Life .....

The dog days of summer are winding down and so I present the serious and the not so serious.

Now don’t get me wrong, I find it hard, nay almost impossible, to write about Obama with my teeth unclenched. I should really try to find that device that was supposed to minimize my nocturnal teeth grinding. It’s in the bathroom somewhere. I think.

Obama went to Milwaukee, WI on Monday to speak to one of the few friendly audiences he has left in America — Big Labor.

Our Victim-in-Chief, with no sense of history, declared that people talk about him like a dog. First, it is worth pointing out he named his dog after himself — Bo. Either the dog stinks or got Mr. Obama’s initials.

And, our Victim-in-Chief should consider himself lucky considering the smears against many of his predecessors, including the most recent who was routinely compared by the left to Hitler

By the way, I think it is starting to dawn on the American public that the reason they don’t like him is not just that he’s a socialist. He’s a thin-skinned wimp. Americans like winners, not wimps.

The Victim’s speech is not worth remembering for anything other than its hypocrisy wrapped up in a sales pitch for socialism. Suddenly Obama is for tax cuts and Republicans are against them. Suddenly Obama is against spending. Suddenly Obama is against bailouts. Obama is for saying “yes” to everything and the Republicans are for saying “no” to everything.

The problem for Obama is that the American public believes him — he is for “yes” to everything, but that includes spending, bailouts, and ever greater socialism in our lives.

Consequently, while Mr. Obama may say “yes we can,” it is the voters, not Republicans, replying, “No. You can’t.”

But let’s get back to dogs.

First we had Obama declaring on TV that Black people were “mongrels”. Imagine the 2 Revs, Jackson and Sharpton, if I’d said that. And yes, I’m White according to the Census people.

Then, as I noted above, he referred to a Hendrix lyric and said that, “he was talked about just like a dog.

And that’s what started me thinking that if Obama were a dog, what breed would he be?

Well, here’s my list and I’m sure you could come up with a better list for yourself but here is mine in alphabetical order.

Airhead Terrier

Barbara Boxer

Chicago Bull Terrier

Cocky Spaniel

Labrador Deceiver

Mastiff Ego

Mastiff Tax Increases

Mixed Blood Hound

Open Border Collie

Teleprompter Terrier

Welsh Porgy

But before I choose I want to see the pedigree including the papers.

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