Monday, September 20, 2010

Please Sir, Can I Have Some More ..........

I’m really not a pessimist by nature although I readily confess it’s not been easy to grin and bear it during the last couple of years as the Obama regime waged war on this country. But now it seems there is light at the end of a very long and very dark tunnel. And for once, at least, it’s not a train coming in the other direction.

One of my favorite authors has always been Charles Dickens even though he wrote about some very dark times and some even darker topics. One of the few books which he wrote that didn’t comment on social issues in England was set in the bloody days of the French Revolution and the book’s opening words are well known.

“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times”.

The book, of course, was a “A Tale of Two Cities” and this is simply a sneaky way to talk about just that but not London and Paris but rather Los Angeles and Washington D.C.

The Obama regime and their co-conspirators in states and counties and cities around this land have tried their very best to fudge the numbers about the efficacy of their much vaunted stimulus package or should I say packages because, I don’t know about you, but I’ve lost track of just how many we’ve had. And, I’ve also lost track of just how many jobs were supposed to have been created by now,

I do remember Joe Biden back last Spring promising that 500,000 new jobs would be forthcoming each and every month during the “Summer of Recovery” promised by his boss. It seems to me that the only evidence that anything has been created is whoever it is that makes the signs trumpeting the “American Recovery Act” and I’d dearly like to know just how many of those have been planted along the highways and byways of America and how much they cost.

At long last, though, we’re starting to see some hard data but here again the waters are muddied by the confusion over “created” as opposed to “retained”.

The city of Los Angeles somehow was forced or shamed into conducting an audit of one of the stimulus packages and I could drag this thing out but I’ll cut to the chase and tell you that one such effort cost $111 Million and a Miss Grewell grudgingly claimed that it had produced the princely total of 55 jobs. In keeping with my Charles Dickens thing perhaps the good lady’s name should be spelled “Gruel”. But again, she could not or would not define whether these jobs had been created or retained but let’s give her the benefit of the doubt and say they were all created. Well that comes out to more than $2 Million per job.

I don’t know about you but give me half that number and I’ll never darken your door again. Now remember that the unemployment rate in Los Angeles is over 12% and this example is not isolated. Elsewhere in the LA area a “stimulus investment of $70 Million and produced just 14 jobs.

And could it be just coincidental that on the other side of the continent it was revealed that Washington DC had received no less than $3.7 Billion which, again coincidentally, is 3 times the national average but the city reports not one job “created or saved”?

So I’ll leave it up to you to decide if these times are the best or the worst.

Well, what do you think?

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