Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I went to bed as normal and woke as a racist ..........

It was only about 18 months ago that Obama revealed to the audience at his fund-raising event in San Francisco that I and people like me were going to “cling to G-d and Guns”.

Now it seems that I’m also a racist as well.

Not too long ago, Jimmy Carter announced, with all the wisdom that stems from a presidency of doing nothing in particular except for creating long gas lines, sky-high interest rates, and wearing ugly sweaters, that anyone who opposes Obamacare is racist. And yesterday Harry Reid jumped onto the racism bandwagon.

Now add Guns and G-d and I can expect another Waco or Ruby Ridge any day now. Is that the growl of my garbage truck or the grumble of a tank with Janet Reno peeping out? Or maybe they’ll ask Mike Dukakis to revive his tank driving prowess.

As you know, the Senate version of Obamacare is on the floor as we speak and the more I hear about it, the more I know I don’t want it . And every poll confirms that most people feel the same way. In fact, the pro number is now down to 35% and, actually, less than in 1 in 16 think they’ll be better off.

Nobody loves to play with numbers more than politicians and sometimes the Congressional Budget Office plays ball but more likely it doesn’t unlike the Office of Management and Budget which is staffed with people who always toe the party line. In this case, the Obama line.

Anyway the difference this time was stark indeed and given my ‘druthers I’d opt for the CBO because their own rules are supposed to preclude political shenanigans. As far as we know, if we attempt to meld the two versions and assume best case in both House and Senate bills, the cost will be in excess of 1.2 Trillion over 10 plus years.

The reason you’re not hearing that number is that the dominant liberal media don’t what you to know. Instead, they harp on the $800 billion figure much beloved of Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

And the sad thing is that the GOP isn’t even trying to stop this abomination but instead are trying to water it down. Fat chance!

I heard William Shatner on TV earlier this week as he huffed and puffed his protestation that the very rich in this country do not have to settle for the same level of healthcare that the less wealthy get to experience. No kidding! And, I’m sure it’ll come as a shock to the portly Mr. Shatner that not everyone gets to fly in Gulfstream Vs or winter in Antibes.

And before the proponents of so-called “single-payer” schemes unload all over me about the egalitarianism of the British or Canadian models, let me say that I’m darned sure that Prince Charles of Windsor does not receive the same care as a Charlie Prince from Windermere or wherever. It’s simply a fact of life. Live with it.

Like many others, I’ve had it with the “country-club Republicans” who still run the GOP and who are doing their best to run it into the ground. So, I’m changing my official party affiliation to Independent however I’ll continue to work for those causes and candidates closest to my conservative beliefs.

So, I’ve swapped the “R” as in Republican after my name. But now on my business card it’ll stand for “Racist” according to Harry Reid and Jimmy Carter.

Coming from them, I regard it as a badge of honor!

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