Monday, April 26, 2010

The Shot Heard in Washington DC .....

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution of these United States reads as follows:-

“The United States shall guarantee to every State of this Union a republican form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.”

Within the borders of these United States there are at least 20 million people who are here illegally. Note that I did not specify any one nationality nor any one ethnic group.

The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 7000 homicides annually are committed by illegal aliens. Now this does not mean that every illegal alien is a murderer but it is, surely, a number to be reckoned with.

No one really knows how many illegal aliens there are within the State of Arizona but the best estimate for Metropolitan Phoenix is in the many tens of thousands and the real number may be as high as an order of magnitude greater than this.

But we do know with more reasonable certainty that more than 1000 cross the border between Mexico and Arizona every 24 hours. Again, I make no accusation or generalization about ethnicity or nationality as, on several occasions, abandoned Korans and Islamic prayer rugs have been found in the Sonoran Desert.

Now, if these kinds of numbers don’t constitute “invasion” to you, I’d like to know what it would take to change your mind.

Clearly, therefore, the Federal Government of the United States is not living up to it’s constitutionally mandated responsibilities and so last week the State Government of Arizona decided to do something about it. Thus, last Friday Governor Jan Brewer signed Senate Bill 1070 into law and certain predictable factions went ballistic. Among these were, of course, many Hispanic groups such as “La Raza” which for the Spanish-challenged translates into “The Race”.

One of the goals of this racist organization is to incite its members to overthrow the legitimate governments of the United States and certain individual States and return huge swathes of the southwestern U.S. to Mexico. That said, no matter how improbable it might be, why would people who risked everything to leave Mexico want to rejoin it by moving the border a few hundred miles north?

Perhaps it’s a bit like the Palestinians who insisted that Israel forsake Gaza. And when the Israelis did, the Palestinians trashed the greenhouses and the agriculture including a vibrant flower industry and are doing their best to return it to desert.

Anyway, back to SB 1070: Al Sharpton had to get into this as it seems that he’s Obama’s “Man in the Street” or the “Rent a Mob personified" even though, as he allowed on his radio show that, many African Americans are dead set against illegal immigration and amnesty because both would rob Americans of job opportunities. But Al really doesn’t care about that. He’ll be on TV with a bullhorn and that’s what really matters.

OK. It’s time to stop setting the scene and raise the curtain.

The provisions of SB 1070 require nothing more than the provisions of federal law.

I am an immigrant and for years, I carried my “Green Card” and I assimilated.

Years ago, California built a fence from the Pacific Ocean almost to the Arizona border and so the major influx of illegals moved east. Which is why Arizona’s efforts have caused Governor Richardson of New Mexico to protest. Well, he’s Hispanic to start with and he’s the next border state to the east of Arizona. And he doesn’t want our problems. Tough. Then he should get on Obama’s case as well.

As I said earlier, SB 1070 does not build a wall. The Arizona governor has deployed some National Guard to the border. Of course, they cannot arrest illegals crossing but can only report the incident to the US Border Patrol.

And here’s a number to wrestle with. New York City has more cops than the United States has Border Patrol Agents.

The “Shot heard around the World” heralded the start of the American Revolution at Concord, Massachusetts. Well this later shot was surely heard in Washington DC as now “Cap and Trade” is shelved and Immigration Reform is on the fast track.

But the Democrats have a problem. Yes, this nation wants the Feds to address immigration. Most people including 70% of Arizonans want it curtailed and controlled. On the other hand, Cardinal Roger Mahoney is opposed to controls because he wants to see butts in pews. And Obama and his party want to see Dems in Polling Booths.

And it really doesn’t matter who they are nor how they got there.

But this is not the kind of reform which the American people want to see as the elections in November will surely attest.

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