Thursday, April 22, 2010

There are more after effects to good dinners than weight gain!

The more I look back on the dinner party I attended a week ago, the more I glean from it in terms of fodder for this Blog. I’ve already written about the “knock-down drag-out” I had with another attendee on the subject of the healthcare legislation but there was more than that for me to ponder upon.

For a start from another guest who, parenthetically was the spouse of my aforementioned adversary, came this conclusion that Obama is stupid. Ever since I first heard about this man I’d assumed that he was simply an ideologue but now I was forced to contemplate that the man is just simple. And I had a think about it.

The spectacular orator that he is purported to be by his adoring disciples doesn’t do so well when deprived of his security “blankie”, the ubiquitous teleprompter. And we saw in San Francisco a few days ago that he gets positively testy and petulant when he’s forced off-script by hecklers.

And, then there is the old adage about a man being judged by the company he keeps. Now forget Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground and forget Saul Alinsky and forget the Reverend Jeremiah Wright of “G-d Damn America” infamy because were I to base my thinking on those “gentlemen” the liberal left would accuse me of regurgitating old news.

Instead I invite you to look at the people he chose to haul into his regime both to cabinet posts and as czars. Some of those were thrown under the bus when a spotlight was shone on them but some, like little Timmy Geithner became the Treasury Secretary despite the fact that he was a tax cheat.

And it doesn’t stop there does it? Joe Biden is no rocket scientist and after him in the order of accession is Nancy Pelosi who is memorable for the amazing statement that, “It’s a good job the U.S.A. has large reserves of natural gas because without them we’d have to burn fossil fuels”.

Then there was the now ex-chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, one Charlie Rangel who somehow forgot to report $1.3 Million of income and who can forget Henry Waxman of California?

This luminary was apoplectic when some major corporations took measures to reserve many billions of dollars when the healthcare legislation passed because they were unsure about their future financial position. Henry demanded that all the CEOs be summoned to answer to the House and to bring all their financial records with them. And he huffed and he puffed at every opportunity and in every forum until someone pointed out to little Hank that those corporations were simple following the law as promulgated by Congress and as enforced by the SEC.

Before we leave things financial, Obama and his Ivy-League confidantes are actually thinking about forcing mortgage lenders to forgive the principal on loans in addition to renegotiating interest rates and other contractual terms. If you really want to dry up the availability of credit I can think of no better way.

And, while the Left is cheering on the SEC by sticking it to Goldman Sachs, the Washington Post just a few days ago described the case and the evidence as “scanty”.

After Robert Gibbs denied a week or so ago that Obama was considering a “Value Added Tax”, the Great Leader himself yesterday floated just that.

Is there a picture emerging here? Taken in isolation any one of these may not be a big deal but put all together and I really began to wonder.

Then this week, the great state of Arizona hit the national scene by passing legislation giving law enforcement the power to request proof of legal residence. Not surprisingly that brought out the lunatic Left in force even though the Governor has not yet signed it but I suspect she will as it’s an election year and 70% of Arizonans approve of the measure. So now the Feds and Obama himself have been asked to intervene. And he may just be that stupid.

First we had the “Birthers” and now we have the “Tenthers”. This refers to the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution which deals with States’ Rights. There are some, and there was one at my now notorious dinner party, who believe that all power should reside with Federal Government. Then there are those, and I’m one, who adamantly do not. Thus it seems I’m a “Tenther”.

So is Obama an ideologue or is he stupid? You decide. Of course, there is a third alternative which is that he’s a crook and, considering the snake pit of Chicago politics from whence he emerged, that has a plausible ring to it.

Finally, a couple of days ago, Mikhail Gorbachev proclaimed that Obama is the “Gorbachev” of the current era because of the transformative policies being pursued.

As I recall it, Mr. Gorbachev’s “policies” destroyed his country!

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