Monday, June 28, 2010

The Dance of the Orbs

What a great weekend it was and yet it wasn’t.

It wasn’t because the US slinked out of the World Cup and England crashed and burned out of it..

On the other hand, there was a beautiful full moon and a lunar eclipse and there was other stuff ……

What I’m leading up to, in my annoying tortuous way, is to talk about the alignment of planets and other celestial bodies.

On my way home yesterday afternoon I learned that Robert Byrd of West Virginia, the senior senator was gravely ill. At that point, I took note and that was about it. I knew he was the King of the Congressional pork barrel and he knew that he once held some exalted rank in the Ku Klux Klan.

But then, early today, he died.

And then the planets began an eerie alignment not predicted by the astronomers as they had the lunar eclipse.

The Supreme Court of these United States ruled on a preposterous claim from Chicago that proposed that individual cities were not subject to the 2nd Amendment. That claim should not have prevailed and it didn’t. But the reasons why are interesting and, while those reasons should be acclaimed by liberals around this country, they won’t be. Let me tell you why.

After the end of the Civil War and the emancipation of the slaves in the South, many ex-slave owners and others were not happy. So, in order to try to provide as much protection as possible to the new “citizens”, the 14th Amendment was enacted.

Remember that the freed slaves knew who was responsible for their liberty. It was the by-now murdered Abraham Lincoln and his Republican party. Breaking into the cabins of ex-slaves were Democrats fronted by the Ku Klux Klan. And the idea of the 14th Amendment was to grant those newly “freed men” the same rights as every other citizen including the protection and provisions of the 2nd Amendment, namely the right to "keep and bear arms". Just like everybody else.

From my keyboard to G-d’s ears.

Then today it was, as Wellington noted after the Battle of Waterloo, “a damned close run thing” because the US Supremes only voted 5 to 4 to support both the 2nd and the 14th Amendment to the document they had sworn to uphold.

Then another planet swung into view as Elena Kagan drove up to the Hill to begin the confirmation process. And two other thoughts swung into my mind.

Do Elena Kagan and Janet Napolitano share the same fashion consultant? Or are they sisters? And you can come up with your own interpretation of that question.

Or is Obama just trying to remake the Court in his image? After all it was only 5 to 4 today.

And, speaking of image, consider this. If Kagan is confirmed there will be no White, Protestant, Anglo-Saxon Males on the Supreme Court.

Is this a true representation of the fabric of America?

I really try to ask more questions than I have answers for ......

'Cos, that's my role .........

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