Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bordering on the Criminal?

This White House must surely be one of the most mendacious in the history of our nation. When it’s not guilty of outright lies, the half truths, the parsing of words, the double-speak and downright dishonesty are the norm.

When Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona was granted an audience with the Anointed One several weeks ago she was assured that not only would the state’s southern border get 1200 National Guard troops but that representatives of Obama would be down there to see for themselves and report back. And specific dates were given for these activities.

Well those dates have come and gone and neither of those events have happened.

At the same meeting, Obama told the governor that no decision had been made on the possibility of legal action against the state by the Attorney General, Eric Holder and that according to Janet Napolitano, the Director of Homeland Security, the situation at the border was much improved and that crime and illegal crossings were down.

If that is the case, perhaps someone can explain to me why in several wild life reserves and other national parks that same Homeland Security administration has ordered that signs be erected warning people to stay away because of drug cartel activity. And, Oh by the way, those reserves are in Arizona not Mexico. And while we are at it perhaps someone can also explain why off-duty Nogales police officers have been warned by the cartels that they should turn a blind eye to what is going on or risk assassination.

Surely Janet Napolitano went to the border when she was governor of Arizona and when she did she must have seen the human detritus because it’s impossible to miss the discarded clothing, the food containers, water bottles, soiled diapers and human waste left behind. Not to mention the odd Koran or prayer rug but that's a different issue for a different time. And has she not passed onto Obama the tragedy of murdered Arizona ranchers and Border Patrol agents who are regularly shot at?

Then a couple of days ago before Arizona was informed, Hillary Clinton, in of all places Ecuador, decided to make Holder’s mind up for him by announcing that the Feds were going to use the courts in order to overturn SB1070. And if you don’t already know, that is all about Arizona’s right to enforce its sovereign borders and give peace officers the tools they need to do their job.

But I’m sure you do know all that and as Governor Brewer said, “We'll see you in court”.

Despite the fact that the Milwaukee City Council and its School Board have decided to join in with the “boycott” of things Arizonan, we’re not done yet.

Since SB1070 was signed into law, Congressman Raul Grijalva of Arizona’s 7th District has paraded a succession of children in front of anyone who will listen and we have been subjected to their tearful testimony about their plight as native-born Americans of illegal parentage.

Well we can stop that as well by applying the full weight of the Constitution's 14th Amendment which states that. “ All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

Before we go any further, it’s important to understand the event which brought this Amendment into being which was the ending of slavery at the end of the Civil War. The importation of slaves from across the Atlantic had ended in 1853 and clearly most of the slaves still extant had been born in this country and, equally clearly, were subject to its jurisdiction.

But that is not the case for the children of illegal immigrants any more than it is for the children of foreign diplomats who are born here. Therefore, it is clearly legal and constitutional to deny birth certificates to these so-called anchor babies. And in the vain, but almost certainly futile hope, that Milwaukee will not increase it’s clamor about racism it’s interesting to note that several countries around the world have enacted similar legislation in their own countries and for the same reasons including the British in 1994.

And let’s see what Obama, Holder and Napolitano do about it.

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