Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hamlet said it first .........

It’s easy to try to blame somebody for your problems when nobody else is around. I used to blame a non-existent sister and the fact that I believed she was real cut no ice with my parents or their neighbors.

But that has not stopped Obama and his regime on the Hill from blaming all their failings on a long-gone President Bush and/or a Republican Congressional delegation. For years now, and I do mean years, the Democrats have held an insurmountable advantage in the Senate and the House and yet, whenever some favored piece of legislation fails, it’s because of the Republicans.

So there was Gibbs et al on the talking head shows last weekend hinting that big Democratic losses in November were possible, nay even likely. What he didn’t say was that Obama wants those losses and so does Pelosi.

The reason why over the recent past the Dems have chosen to blame the Right for stagnant legislation like “Cap and Tax” or the Card Check stuff or immigration reform is because they couldn’t get it done due to some of their own party’s opposition. And these are the ones that may well lose in November but when they do, Pelosi and Obama wins.

After that November election, there will be a period of some 2 ½ months when with a lame-duck house Pelosi will try to ram every piece of unpopular legislation through and there will be nothing a new, but as yet unseated, Republican majority can do about it . But, since Obama is from Chicago or Kenya or somewhere and cares little for democratic processes nor for the will of the people both expressed and implicit, he’ll sign it.

So when the balance of the House and Senate actually changes next January it will be too late. And by then the toxins of the new legislation will be kicking in such as the demise of the Bush tax breaks, the introduction of tax on healthcare benefits and Cap and Trade and on and on. And don’t ignore the possible implementation of a Value Added Tax and anything else they can come up with between November and January. Of course, the Blue Dogs et al will be long gone by then so how will the new Congress deal with it?

Well trying to roll back the situation is not going to work because Obama would simply veto that move. Thus all a Republican dominated legislature could do is to say “No more” to anything else. In the meantime, there would be Obama on TV with a raft of teleprompters wringing his hands and telling his sob story, I can hear it now.

“My fellow Americans, I know that times are hard right now and I know that you are seeing more and more strains on your family’s finances. But, understand this, I am doing whatever I can to persuade Congress to pass legislation to alleviate your pain. However, you also know that the balance of power on the Hill has changed since the last election and so my power to help you is limited.”

And on and on and on..

Then down the road, if Obama can learn the Clintonesque lip-biting routine, he will blame the new guys in Congress for everything that’s wrong always assuming the Bush-bashing routine doesn’t play anymore.

So what’s the endgame here? All of a sudden the Obama agenda appears to come to a screeching halt. But, it may lay the foundation for Obama’s reelection strategy unless the Right can force, and I do mean force, the Republicans to come up with real ideas which translate into real strategies which they can explain to the electorate in effective and convincing terms.

They’d better for the sake of all of us.

But will they? Aye, there's the rub.

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