Friday, July 16, 2010

Tea and Sympathy

The Tea Party is racist. The NAACP decreed it so and, therefore, it must be true.

Well it was true for a day and then they relented somewhat, one presumes, because there was and is no evidence to back it up.

But let’s run with the original premise for a while because the fact that there was no evidence doesn’t mean that some people in that organization don’t think it.

The attacks are driven by nothing but fear - the Democrats are terrified of the results of the November elections, and are in a visible tizzy.

Voting in this country in a general election typically hovers between 50 and 60 percent and in an off-year even less. And, also typically, within the Black community, it’s less than that again.

2008 was an exception because a Black man was on the ballot but those same voters aren’t nearly as revved up without him, and stirring up racial tensions turns out Black voters, which helps Democrats.

Quick recap of what we’re dealing with on a media level now:
What the NAACP is doing is inciting racial tension, and it is not an accident.

Anyone who is a part of the conservative groundswell can tell you that there is emphatically not a racial element behind the movement. I know. I’ve been to Tea Party events.

However, since the NAACP thrives on racial tensions, this is their comfort zone.

How better to destroy the largest threat to their vision of liberal utopia? What they fail to acknowledge is that they are also diminishing the real threats to racial equality in America by spending their time destroying those that aren’t truly racist.

In fact, the NAACP is stuck in a time warp. Just who in this country refers to “Coloreds”? Not me. And not anybody I know.

They keep that acronym because it’s supposed to evoke regret and memories of the signs in the South and elsewhere at bus stations and diners and water fountains.

Or they’re too cheap to order new stationery.

Taking a quick look at the demographic breakdown of the United State explains a lot of the absence of color - simply put, 75% of the US population is still white, no matter how much the Left likes to pretend that it isn’t.

A politically correct, racially equal group in a spontaneous groundswell of millions of Americans is just not possible… we’re certainly not bussing people in for racial diversity.

The true racism regarding the Tea Party movement comes from the outside. Black conservatives are marginalized, similar to the way the Left marginalizes conservative women - somehow, if you are a Black man or woman that adheres to conservative principles, you are a race traitor. A conservative woman is a gender traitor - less of a woman in the eyes of a liberal, and therefore not included in their protected minority.

Since the glory days of the Civil Rights movement in the 60’s, the Democrats have laid claim to the Black vote. They have made it their mission to, in effect, own the minority vote, and they have done it well. The result has been a massive mount of entitlement spending, which is expanding every time we turn around.

The current administration knows that they are in trouble with the constituencies they’ve purchased - so they’re upping the ante, and this has resulted in things like, oh, I don’t know - massive health care entitlements.

This has got to stop. For racism to be effectively addressed in our country, it needs to be called out when it’s relevant. Making false accusations for political purposes undermines the headway that the Civil Rights Act has made over the past 56 years, and is not furthering the equality of Black Americans.

Now it’s time to iron my white robes for tonight. And, if you believe that, you don’t know me nor where I live.

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