Friday, July 2, 2010

Truth or Consequences?

This occupant of the Oval Office never ceases to amaze me. Not, you understand, for his much vaunted “brilliance” but rather for his naiveté.

And yesterday we saw another example, as if we needed one, as Obama made his “massive” immigration speech. Does this man really think that his “straw man” examples are going to sway the thinking American voter?

Does he really think that citing the contributions of legal immigrants such as Albert Einstein or Nicola Tesla or Andrew Carnegie can be used to prove that little Jesus hiding in an arroyo near Nogales will found another U.S. Steel? Or, put another way, do the coyotes and/or the drug smugglers “seek a path to U.S. citizenship”?

And does he really think that the Statue of Liberty is a global invitation? Well, if he does, he’s wrong.

The Statue of Liberty was given to us by France on the centenary of the Declaration of Independence. It’s purpose was to reinforce this nation’s destiny to spread Freedom throughout the World rather than to be a terrestrial Motel 6.

Earlier this week there was a gun battle near to Nogales which, for the geographically challenged, straddles the border between Arizona and Mexico. When authorities reached the site there were 21 dead bodies and it was deemed to be the aftermath of a gun battle between drug cartels and migrant smugglers.

Then this fool of a little boy who occupies the Oval Office tries to pretend that the border situation has never been better.


Then perhaps he would like to explain the gun shots which originated in Mexico and hit the City Hall in El Paso, Texas.

Or, how about this one? Somewhere in the Sonoran desert south of Phoenix yesterday a police stop resulted in two men running off and a search of the car revealed two backpacks stuffed with marijuana. So perhaps Governor Jan Brewer’s claim that illegals are bringing in narcotics isn’t too far away from the truth.

There is another twist as well to the outcome of Arizona’s SB1070. Recent evidence from American law enforcement agencies tell the story. The Mexican drug cartels are switching away from Arizona and are regrouping in Oklahoma City.

Being forgotten in all this is the fact that Obama’s hints at amnesty simply increases the flood of people waiting for nightfall in an arroyo near the Rio Grande. We know that to be the case as it was after the last time under Reagan’s watch. Some of them will succeed in crossing the border and most of those don’t want to be a citizen but they will work under the table, pay no taxes and wire money back to Mexico.

You would think that Obama would know this and you would also think that he or one of his handlers could read a poll in a newspaper. One today said unequivocally that almost 2/3 of likely voters want the border secured first. Now Obama, claimed yesterday that the border was “too vast. Well try bringing home underused troops from Europe or Asia for a start.

Perhaps Obama's narcissism tells him that anything he does is OK and perhaps he plans to grant amnesty as an Executive Order. Is he stupid enough to do that when the voice of the voter is loud and clear? And when more than 20 states plan their own SB1070?

He may just be.

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