Monday, February 9, 2009

Someone has to do it ..........

Well somebody has to start and, since this was mainly my idea, I suppose it should be me.

I must confess that I don't follow the "thug" politics of Illinois in general nor that of Chicago in particular. And, before someone comes unglued about the adjective, know that it was that darling of the liberal left, William Jefferson Clinton and the "first Black President", who coined it.

Anyway, I'd never heard of Barack Hussein Obama until about three years ago. And, when I did I wasn't terribly impressed.

He was a lawyer: Strike 1
He was a politician: Strike 2
He was a Community Organizer, whatever that is: Strike 3

Really, the first thing I knew was that somehow he had leap-frogged himself into pole position to be the junior senator from the state of Illinois by methods questionable to anybody who isn't a lawyer and/or immunized to the inherent corruption of that State's politics.

Anyway he won to no one's surprise and then he embarked on a short career in the US Senate where he distinguished himself by proposing no legislation whatsoever. However, that record was at least consistent with his history in the Illinois Senate where, in perfect accord, he achieved nothing. Unless you count voting "Present", as some kind of plus.

I've publicized this blog to the full extent of my address book and I've asked every recipient to do the same.

I commit this. I will not edit nor delete any entry or post even if that post is obscene or threatening. The lunatic fringe of the liberal left needs to be exposed for what it is.

So now, perhaps it's time for other views to be heard!


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