Monday, February 16, 2009

The Unholy Trinity

Obama’s popularity has started to erode and actually, erosion is an understatement. On Inauguration Day the “Presidential Approval Poll” showed a + 30 score. Last week that number was down to 11. And the numbers from other polls such as Rasmussen are showing even greater declines.

And this in spite of the passage of the biggest parcel of spending ever seen. The problem with it is that most Americans are smarter than that and even the drive-by media could find only 1 poll out of 7 that showed approval and even that one showed an approval majority of only 4%.

Governments only get money in 3 ways. They can raise taxes or they can print it or they can borrow it. All 3 have one thing in common; the American people pay the price in higher taxes or increased prices due to inevitable inflation or in interest payments on the loans. This is “The Unholy Trinity” of fiscal reality.

The bottom line that Obama and his cabal on Capitol Hill do not seem to get is that the American people see that this bill is nothing more than a sham and a payback to their liberal sympathizers.

We were promised by Obama in person that the bill would be posted on a government website for 48 hours in order that the public could read it and provide comment to their representatives. It was not.

We were promised that a massive infusion of cash would be included to create jobs and provide much-needed attention to America’s infrastructure of roads, bridges, water systems etc. In fact, less than 4% of the total is earmarked for this and even so not until 2010 which just happens to be an election year. Oh, Harry Reid got his billion dollar railroad between Disneyland and Las Vegas but someone needs to point out that the “Environmental Impact Report” studies will take at least 5 years which means very little to the employment prospects of the guys with the shovels and the earthmovers.

And, while we’re on that subject, how can we forget the Caterpillar saga when Obama announced in person that the CEO had promised to rehire many of the 20,000 planned layoffs if the package was passed. Well not according to the CEO who said that more layoffs were in the works. So either Obama doesn’t listen or he lies.

But this darned package does include such gems as 30 million dollars in order to protect the habitat of the Salt Marsh Harvest mouse which just happens to be in Nancy Pelosi's district. And let's not forget funding for a study of Sexually Transmitted Disease so that makes up for a lot. This brings me to another provision which is the establishment of a “Health Tsar”. Really, this is the precursor to socialized medicine in this country and among the duties will be a mechanism to allow or disallow treatments to specific individuals based upon their “worth” to Society. Now remember, I’m an ex-Brit and I’ve seen this abomination up close and personal in the National Health Service (NHS) where bureaucrats not physicians control who gets what and when.

A Brave New World Indeed!!

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