Sunday, September 6, 2009

Liars and Tigers!

Back in January of this year I founded this Blog. Looking back now I realize that I did it for selfish reasons. I was so frustrated by the election results even though the Republican hierarchy should take responsibility not just for the loss by McCain but also for the coat-tail effect. Anyway, it was a way for me to vent and it helped.

Venting is important. I used to work for a company that sold a variety of office equipment and right outside the back door there was a pile of already-scrapped machinery and beside the pile was a sledge hammer. The theory was that an engineer working on some intractable problem could go out and pound the pile for a few minutes and come back refreshed and ready to go. For my sins I suppose, I wound up as a manager there, a role which I hated, and I really gave that metallic “whipping boy” a lot of work.

But, outside my backdoor later, the only objects of frustration were the pigeons. For the most part they're now gone since I shot a couple and deprived the rest of vital water. But Obama was still there and so I needed an outlet for that as well.

Hence the Blog!

Just a few months later, I know now that the readers extend from “Sea to Shining Sea”. They extend from upstate New York to San Diego, from Louisiana to Idaho. They even extend from England to Hawaii. I am so grateful and so overwhelmed because I know that there are many demands on your time and your attention. I also know that it makes me feel very humble which is a rare emotion for me but it does make me strive even harder to write “good” stuff and to get it right.

Today, I heard of even more readers as the message, seemingly, gets around. Then, as well, there are the radio stations that feature a link from their homepages to this forum. I don’t, honestly, know how many people in total read it. Most like it but not all and that’s they way it should be.

Have I received dissenting opinions? Yes, and some of them you know about.

Have I received threats? Yes, but they won’t stop me I promise but I’m grateful for Arizona’s “Concealed Carry” program.

I am also so grateful to readers for ideas and/or little trails of breadcrumbs to follow. One such came from a new reader and the subject was Valerie Jarrett who, supposedly, vetted the now deposed Czar, Van Jones. Well she obviously blew that assignment and that should raise a question about her other approvals. Of course, she is another product of the Chicago political machine and perhaps, that says it all.

Another question that needs to be looked at is this. Three doctors examined the Libyan terrorist before his release from a Scottish jail. I heard one interviewed today on radio and he admitted that he was hired and paid by the Libyan embassy in London.

There are times I think I’ve heard it all but there is always something that drags me back to reality and so it was today. Did you see Tiger Woods make a bad shot and throw his club into the bushes? Then he stalked off leaving his caddy to find and retrieve the blameless implement.

There was a startling resemblance to Obama. There was petulance. There was narcissism. There was a spoiled brat attitude. There was a “Not fair and it shouldn’t happen to me mood”.

There was life.

Live with it!

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