Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Liberal Politician's Dream! ....... But a Nightmare for Everyone Else!

Insomnia has a lot to answer for!

The night before last I was late to bed. Well, perhaps it would be more accurate if I said it was late for me but, whichever it was, the end result was the same. The next day I was tired and so I decided on an early night yesterday to catch up. So this morning I woke up very early and because I didn’t want to disturb my daughter’s household I lay in bed and started to think.

Because of the events of the last few days in England and the ongoing political struggle in the United States, my thoughts turned again to Obamacare and its progenitor, the British National Health Service.

It should be no surprise to anyone that I am a firm believer in the free market and the competition that philosophy engenders and I tried very hard to imagine a world without all that implies.

Does anybody imagine that the United States Postal Service would do a better job of delivering their letters and packages if Federal Express and/or United Postal Service did not exist?

What if there were no Nordstrom’s or Saks or Bloomingdales? Would the sole survivor, Macy’s perhaps, provide the level of quality and price that we have come to enjoy? To answer that question we only have to look at the old Soviet Union where, in Moscow, the only game in town was the state store known as GUM. This sorry emporium was famous for only three things; shoddy and frumpy merchandise, sudden and unannounced shortages and discourteous staff.

Or, how about an extension of the new GM in the form of “Government Motors” along with the disappearance of Ford, Chrysler and all the imports? Do you really think your “wheels” would be a better, more innovative buy at a lower price? Again look to the old Warsaw Pact and contemplate the Yugo. Is it the leading-edge technology employed or the innovative engineering used that you remember or is it the window seals that didn't quite match the windows or the body rot that appeared after six months?

Imagine that Richard Branson was denied access to the skies and airports of Britain and the only game in town was a state-run variant of British Airways. How affordable would a trip to Disneyland or Dubai be then?

So, why does anybody in their right mind think that the Government, any Government, can provide a better service than the free market in healthcare? Well, as far as I can determine, it can’t and won’t.

Most people, here in the UK, live with a service which is mediocre at best while comforting themselves with the oft-repeated mantra that it’s free. Well it isn’t and ask to look at a Brit’s last pay stub and you’ll see just how much it isn’t free.

The relative few who demand better than that which is offered by the National Health Service can, and do, go out and buy insurance in order to jump the line or to gain access to those practitioners who have a private practice instead of, or in addition, to their NHS participation. But this cost is as well as their payroll deduction not instead of it.

Just think how pleased the US Post Office would be if, every time you sent a package via FedEx, you had to send the equivalent amount to them as well. What a deal? They get the money but don’t have to provide the service.

Only a politician could dream that one up! They did in the UK more than 60 years ago and Obama is waiting in the wings.

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