Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Voice Crying in the Wilderness ......

Little did we know when Obama drove to the Capitol to speak yesterday evening that we were about to hear about a human horror that would dwarf almost any previous global disaster.

According to Obama, just a few short weeks ago in July 2009, there were 47 million people in these United States without health insurance. Then, last night we learned the awful truth that this country had lost more people in just a few days than in any event since World II. Because last evening we learned that there were now just 30 million uninsured.

Now those who know me can sense what may be coming and some of you will be right.

So what happened to the 17 million people who disappeared off the radar?

Did the “missing persons” die; All 17 million of ‘em? Or did Truth die?

Apostle or not, never forget that Obama is first an Activist, a Socialist, a Lawyer and a Politician. Now you can arrange those nouns in any order you want but the result is the same. And you can define, “Same” however you want.

The stock in trade of lawyers and politicians is similar. It's words and the ability to parse them. And here are two examples. For a start, there was the oldie but goodie, “The Government is not going to force you to leave your private plan”. That’s what he said and that’s what today’s House transcript said and so did the version from the White House. I add that only because I have been challenged to prove what was said and what was heard had, at least, a passing resemblance of similarity

Now I don’t doubt his statement for a moment but I know, and Obama knows, that, when my employer drops me from that plan because they now have an out, where will I have to go?

Then Obama talked about providing you and me the healthcare we need but not the healthcare we want. I lived half of my life under the British system and half of my life with my American coverage and I know the difference.

Nolo contendere!

If Obama wants, as he claimed, to eliminate “waste and fraud”, why wait until 2013 to do it. Why not now?

I know it and you know it. By 2013 he’ll be a blip. And without some kind of healthcare bill, he’ll be a “non-blip”. A mere bump in the road which won't even cause my CD to skip.

It can be, therefore, not a shock to anyone except the most devout, that Rasmussen reports today only 44% approve and 53% don’t. And that’s just on

Tomorrow is the 8th anniversary of September 11, 2001, and that’s why I won’t be around. I have another commitment.

And, I’m off to Europe next week for a week or two. Of course, I could claim that it is just a fact-finding trip; but it’s not. I want to hug my kids and spoil 3 grandsons

Now, it may be a vain hope. But I would love it if someone would step up and fill in for me. It doesn’t matter if it is a dissenting voice.

And I promised to publish my new, I think, email address and it is:-

Just one voice can make a difference.

It did last night and it wasn’t “parliamentary” nor was it “correct” but it was honest and it was true. I speak, of course, of the gentleman from South Carolina; His reelection is safe which is more than Obama can hope for.

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