Saturday, September 5, 2009

"The Mouth that Roared"

Hard on the heels of Harry Reid’s gaffe last weekend when the Majority Senate Leader pronounced that, “He was in favor of the ‘Public Option’ just so long as it was run privately”, comes more and more evidence of the Democrats’ “Foot in Mouth” Syndrome.

Some time last year during the election campaign an Obama apostle strove to convince the electorate that should he, Obama, be returned as the victor we would see an Administration staffed by the most brilliant, the most learned, the most articulate individuals that this Republic has ever produced. Really?

Just yesterday, the unemployment numbers were announced and it was revealed that the jobless rate had jumped from 9.4% to 9.7. Odd, therefore, that good old Uncle Joe Biden only 24 hours earlier had trumpeted the fact that, “The stimulus package is working better than anyone had ever expected”. Really?

While all this was going on another Obama appointee was becoming famous as well but not in the way that the appointee or Obama will cherish. Van Jones is Obama’s choice as the “Green Jobs Czar” and appears to be well, frankly, not so brilliant, not so learned and not so articulate. A much more accurate description of Czar Jones is that the man is an idiot.

Earlier this year he gave a speech at the University of California, Berkeley or, as it’s known in the San Francisco Bay Area, “The People’s Democratic Republic of Berkeley”, which should indicate even to those from Lake Havasu that Left-wing insanity prevails there. Anyway some woman asked the Czar, how come that in the previous Administration, Republicans could get stuff done in spite of Democratic majorities in the House and Senate but now with Democrats controlling every branch virtually nothing was getting passed?

Mr. Jones’ response was wonderfully descriptive of his own view of the world when he said, “The answer is that Republicans are ‘assholes’”. Now isn’t that illuminating? This brilliant insight prompted me and others to take a closer look at the erudite Mr. Jones and some fascinating details emerged.

He is a self-confessed Communist and Radical; two facts that must surely endear him to Obama. He’s also a “Truther”. This bunch of losers is the one that professes to “know the truth about 911” which was that those events were all the doing of President Bush and Vice-President Cheney. They even went as far as to collect signatures for a petition to force the FBI to investigate their foolish claims.

A corollary of that same assertion was recently voiced by the African-American Poet Laureate of the state of New Jersey who declared that “the Jews caused it” and offered as proof the preposterous and palpably false contention that no Jews were at work in the World Trade Center on that infamous day. Really?

But let’s get back to Mr. Jones who signed the aforementioned petition but who now says he never read it and/or he didn’t know what was in it. The “Truthers” dispute this, because in a vain attempt to add validity to their cause, they sought out only those people who they felt had clout and ensured that only those who shared all their fatuous beliefs were thus courted.

If we accept the old adage about, “judging a person by the company he keeps” and then look at the litany of people who have influenced Obama, we see a very disturbing picture. From Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright in his past to the Van Jones’ of his present, if Obama is not a racist and a Socialist, he’s giving a very convincing impersonation.

As we seem to be into corollaries today, I would venture this as well; Perhaps a man may also be judged by the wife he chooses and the people he hires and, with that thought in mind, consider that ,on the occasion of his acceptance to Harvard Law, his own wife is on record quoting the Great One himself, as agreeing that, “Yeah, now I’ll have to be judged by ‘Whitey” again!”

And you soon will again "Mr. President". You soon will and you and your political ilk will be found wanting.

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