Monday, April 27, 2009


If I harp on it, it’s because it needs a damned good harping.

Now, I’ll glue on my Andy Rooney eyebrows and pose the following:-

“Imagine, if you will, that it’s a couple of years ago and imagine if you can a world where America is fighting a couple of wars in which real Americans are being killed, where North Korea and Iraq are about to become nuclear-weapon powered, where American hostages are being held in Iraq and where a Swine Flu’ pandemic is being threatened.”

Now, imagine also that President George W, spent 5 hours yesterday playing golf while all this was going on

Please ignore the fact that, to me, it’s a stupid game and ignore the fact that, of course, President Bush could have been summoned at any time to deal with a new twist. Ignore all that and then still imagine how he would have been skewered and roasted by the Left and their media lackeys?

The most restrained skewering would have described him as “Uncaring” or “Disconnected”. The more strident would have been screaming for impeachment.

Well, Obama did just that yesterday and the only comment from the drive-by sycophants was to describe his khaki shorts, his short-sleeved golf shirt and his light-beige baseball cap. Oh, and they did also mention his sunglasses and his cell phone.

Does anybody but me and 52 million other people who voted against this lazy man see a double standard here?

So, we approach 100 days. Tell me, what got better?

Well, he was going to fix Detroit. Against all kinds of advice he poured billions in there and now we learn that Washington is advising bankruptcy for Chrysler and GM cannot be far behind. In the meantime, GM is proposing to lay off another 21,000 workers and discontinue the Pontiac line. Then, this summer they propose a 9 week shutdown which wouldn’t be all bad except for the fact that the company is still under contractual obligation to pay their labor force.

So, Obama was going to save the auto industry and create or save 3 million jobs. Folks, what do you think so far?

With his track record in Chicago and then in the Illinois Senate, then the US Senate, his presidency is perfectly consistent.

Promise everything! Deliver nothing!

Par for the course I guess.

I don’t know who he was playing against yesterday and I don't know what he shot but I’ll bet his card says he won!

Because that is Obama. Perception, Perception, Perception!

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