Monday, April 13, 2009

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A pirates life for me ...

I know that my critics were expecting that I would be silent the day after the rescue.


I just counted how many Presidents I’ve seen in my lifetime. Well Obama is number 13. Good job I’m not superstitious!

Probably all but one would have done what Obama did, which was to allow professionals to practice their profession. I applaud them!

Oh, the exception, Jimmy Carter!

Fortunately though, I can attack the other head, namely, the media.

Today, the Associated Press (AP) published an opinion that the rescue of Captain Phillips could well make the piracy problem in the Indian Ocean worse. According to them, we’ve made the pirates mad. Just like going after Muslim extremists simply creates more terrorists. So now, our action to protect American assets and American citizens will simply attract more recruits to the pirate cause.

Allied to that was an opinion in today’s Boston Globe that we killed 3 pirates/terrorists/Muslims in order to save 1 American life. They even went as far as to say that was disproportionate.

However, I can’t quit quite yet without pointing out another Obama “Bushism”. Today he said that “the world must resolve to halt privacy”.

That damned teleprompter …….. ?

Or a Freudian slip?

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