Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Brownie, you're doing a helluva job!"

I used to have lots of friends who voted for Obama. And they’re all still friends perhaps to a lesser extent but their Obama status is changing undeniably. Not all, because some of ‘em are so hooked its spooky. If it happened to be a Jim Jones or a David Koresh who was heading up the cult, the “folks who live on the Hill” would be screaming for an enquiry. But it’s not, it’s their fearless leader; B.H.Obama.

Well, we know how he’s doing domestically. How long has it been since he’s been trying to form a cabinet? How many nominations have been denied or thrown under the bus and how many heavy-duty financial types want to no part of Geithner’s screwed-up “miracles cures” and they certainly want no part of Obama’s view of the future?

Now, I’m not a betting man, but just how long do you think it will be before "Turbo Tax Tim" follows his predecessors under the wheels? A week, a month or what? Remember, he was the only person who understood this stuff and the only one who could save us. And yet Obama is still out there defending the man that many previous supporters in the financial community now recognize as a disaster. Do you remember what happened to President Bush when he made the mistake of defending the then director of FEMA after Katrina?

Domestically therefore, we are still thrashing around in the reeds so Obama decides to move on to bigger and better things. Where else to turn? If it’s screwed up at home perhaps it’s time to look outside these shores because, after all, he loves adulation and big crowds and stage-managed events. Do you recall Berlin? Maybe Nuremberg would have been better than Berlin. After all, they've done that kind of thing before.

During the run-up to the last election we heard a lot about change and hope and new directions. But, where can Obama go? He’s already pissed off two of our oldest allies, the UK and Ireland so clearly it’s time to drag out the old playbook and look elsewhere, but where?

How, about Afghanistan or Iran or North Korea? So off trots our fearless leader waving olive branches. The first effort was to the “moderate” members of the Taliban. They’re the ones who’ve only decapitated a couple of people or the ones who’ve only half-decapitated four people or the ones who’ve only stoned a woman half to death. The answer from the “moderate” Taliban was No !!!!!!!!!!!

OK, so let’s move on to Iran. The problem with that was that moderation does not exist in the ruling classes of that country. And an appearance on “You Tube” by the anointed one is not going to change that. So they said no as well.

Never mind; let’s move onto North Korea. After all Clinton and Madeline Albright did quite well there; well not quite because Kim Jong Il has no interest in olive branches. He wants “stuff” like oil, (and not olive oil either) and better yet money. So his response was to slap a freeze over the airspace over his benighted land for the next couple of weeks. In the past, this has often meant an upcoming missile test. Kim Jong Il doesn’t care about science, nor communications satellites nor space exploration; his mantra is just “show me the money just as the last lot did or was it the lot before that or both”?

And. since it’s my money we’re talking about, I guess I have a say. Obama is dumb enough or naïve enough or both to fall for it!

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