Saturday, March 28, 2009

Aim, Fire, Oops!

I went to a Birthday dinner last night at the “Roaring Fork” in Scottsdale and the restaurant was packed; so much for the recession here. Anyway the honoree was about to go on a trip out of town and mentioned that packing was not a favorite thing to do mainly because something always seemed to be forgotten. And I mentioned that my answer was, and has been for ever, to make lists.

As a result, my writing desk here is stuffed with lists of topics, ideas, thoughts or sometimes just junk. The latter I try to throw away but I’m pretty sure that my liberal readers feel differently. Sometimes I can find a common theme from different notes from different lists and scratch a whole bunch off my “to write” list in one go and, when I can, that feels good. However, sometimes there is one that won’t go away and so it deserves a post on its own. And, I guess, now its time has come.

Back in 1995 I was heavily involved with the Dole campaign to try to head off Clinton’s second term. Three memories of that time are still so vivid. The first is that Dole who was so vibrant, so articulate, so engaging when you were up close and personal but on TV he turned into a log. My second memory was that, I articulated that concern and some “suit” suggested I join another party.

Third though was at a debate I attended, at which the question of gun control came up. Well, this was California where “bleeding heart” liberalism tends to prevail. So, NRA does not mean the National Rifle Association or, it’s not the first thing that comes to mind. More likely it’ll be the National Recreational Area around the Golden Gate Bridge. Anyway, in a brief lull in the heated discussion, an older man in the front row stood, raised his hand and was recognized by the Chair.

As he pulled back his jacket and shirt sleeve he said very quietly, “Please do not let them take your guns. We did.” Then he turned his bared wrist around and revealed his tattooed number from the camps.

Yesterday I received an email from an airline employee; one whose job it is to fly and not just someone who works on the ramp. It concerned her and it should concern you too.

In defiance of the rights endowed by the Second Amendment, in defiance of the legislation awarded by the previous administration after 911 and in defiance of common sense, Obama is quietly seeking to remove the rights of qualified flight deck officers to be armed.

Chip away, chip away at those rights Mr. Barack Hussein Obama and, while you do so, you'd be well advised to contemplate whatever manifestation of G-d you hold dear and pray that your blind ideology will not come back to haunt your conscience forever.

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