Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Honk If I'm Paying Your Mortgage!"

While I haven’t actually seen a bumper sticker with those words quite yet, it must surely be only a matter of time. For I sense a growing feeling of resentment among those of us who are meeting our responsibilities even as it becomes harder and harder to do so as our investments are eroded.

Back in 2002, as the stock market dipped after 911, Dick Gephardt, the then leader of the Democrats in the House, exulted that for every 200 point drop on the Dow it would translate into a gain of one more seat for his side of the aisle. If he was right, then Obama is in trouble deep. Even though his poll number is still high when it comes to “likeability”, when Rasmussen measured his effectiveness and job performance the picture was very different. At the last count it was 52% only and it has declined every week since his inauguration. And is there any wonder when the Dow has declined by almost 3000 points since that day? Yet, he does nothing about it. Clearly the trillions of dollars both spent and proposed have not and will not stem the flight of investment but there are some things that would.

Among these could be a halt to FICA taxes for a period, a commitment to reduce or suspend capital gains taxes or corporate and personal income taxes. And such a reduction would have to be a lot more than the $13 per week “windfall” we can expect to see in June. Instead though, Obama yesterday said that he didn’t concern himself with the “day-to-day gyrations of the Market”. Would that were true? The fact of the matter is that “gyrations” would be very welcome but instead all we’ve seen is “down” to the tune of 52% since it became clear that he would become the 44th occupant of the Oval Office.

Eventually, and it is starting to happen even as I write, buyer’s remorse is becoming felt by Obama voters. Oh, not by the left-wing fanatics who yearn to see the collapse of America, her economy and the engine of that economy which has been capitalism. No they will continue to cheer as more and more people become dependent on the Government for their every need. But, other than these, the vast majority of those who voted last November are beginning to feel the uncomfortable stirrings of having made a dreadful mistake. Clearly, for those who wish to see, Obama is not the man they thought or hoped he was and, while they may not admit it to anyone else yet, as they review the 401K or IRA their little internal voice grows ever louder.

A bumper sticker anyone? Soon it’ll be time to drag out the pitchforks. And I, for one, can't wait!

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