Monday, July 20, 2009

The Drunk Uncle who just won't shut up .....

While I cannot claim my action is as close to being as worthy as those led by Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King; nevertheless I committed an act of civil disobedience today. It was only a little act but it was done for the right reasons in my book and it felt so good.

My AARP (American Association for Retired Persons, for those from Lake Havasu) renewal subscription was due and I decided against it. It’s not that I’ve decided to “unretire” but rather that I’ve decided to put my $12.50 elsewhere. Well you may ask; why such a drastic step?

At an AARP town meeting last week Joe Biden uttered these immortal words.

“So when people ask me; Joe are you telling me that we should spend money to stop us from going bankrupt? I say Yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you”.

Oh, my heavens!

I’ve known two people who’ve declared bankruptcy in the last few years and I’m pretty certain that they would be amazed to learn where and how they went wrong.

One of the reasons I, and many like me, follow sports is precisely because in that world it’s results that count.

So too in the business world where I worked. During all those years, I met many apparently talented people who wanted, I’m sure, to do a good job but didn’t. As I said they had good intentions; they showed up early and stayed late; they were enthusiastic at meetings. But they didn’t get the job done. Some were fired and some became managers but the latter point may become the stuff of a future post.

In other words, just because you “intend” to do a good job, doesn’t mean you will. But, in the mind of the Obama administration, intent is all that matters. So, the first and the second stimulus packages didn’t work, maybe we need a third. Why?

Because Joe Biden says that the way out of bankruptcy is to spend more money? What kind of insanity is that?

Perhaps Biden is dumb enough to believe it. I know his boss isn’t and doesn’t but he has a different agenda altogether and one that is beyond Joe's ken.

I nearly forgot to mention why I tore up my AARP renewal! The reason was that the people at Biden’s Town Hall meeting applauded and cheered his idiotic assertion. Surely, their experience tells them the opposite.

That said, though, I’ve never understood why NOW (National Organization of Women) has never denounced radical Islam or why the Unions have not denounced illegal immigration or why 70% of the Jewish people in the US voted for Obama. After all, on the latter point, only 6% of Israelis think that he holds their welfare dear.

Anyway, all that is what led to the act of civil disobedience. I didn't spend the money. Well not on AARP anyway. Instead, I upped my contribution to the NRA (National Rifle Association). They at least fight for me and my beliefs.

Someone once said that the Vice-President’s main job was to sit outside the Oval Office waiting to hear the President cough.

With this team, I’m spoiled for choice or, more precisely the lack of it ……..

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