Thursday, July 23, 2009

Strictly for the Birds!

One of these days I’ll get to write the post I planned about a week ago but today will not be the day. Let me explain!

I live in the desert Southwest and I like it. But so do the pigeons who view my pool as their personal watering hole. If that was all there was to it I wouldn’t be writing this but trust me, they see more than that and I’m sure you can figure it out.

But, they’ve taken on an adversary such as they haven’t seen in a while.

So has Obama who was on TV again yesterday trying to breathe new life into his healthcare program even though he’s never read it and cannot answer questions about its implementation.

There is a senator from Iowa called Charles Grassley who reports that at least one blue-dog Democrat has been told by Obama that, “opposition to healthcare reform threatens his presidency”. Perhaps this is, indeed, his “Waterloo.” Well now we see where his priorities lay; “It’s all about Me, the Anointed One, Lord Obama the Most Merciful”.

Then we must look at Jim Demint from South Carolina who, on TV yesterday morning, responded to Matt Lauer’s “insightful probing”. The senator suggested some questions that should have been asked of Obama last night but they weren’t.

Notable among these were:-

If the measures of the healthcare bill don’t go into effect until 2013, why the rush?

Every monitor of costs including the Congressional Budget Office and others shows an increase in cost. Do you agree?

If a company decides that it can no longer continue the coverage they provide to all their employees and so they decide that they can either up their costs or drop employees. Which should they do?

Will presidents and members of Congress be required to use the “public” option?

But, you get my point, I hope.

As the drip, drip, drip of public opinion goes on, it is clear that “the times they are a’changin”. And they are for, as Rasmussen reports today, only 47% of Americans support Obama’s bill. So for the first time Obama faces opposition from the Senate, many Democrats in the House, the majority of Governors across the country and, last but no means least, the Great American Public. And the more everyone learns about the subject, the greater that push-back becomes which is the reason for the rush.

It may come as a shock to Obama but no amount of teleprompter-sourced oratory is going to change that opposition.

The Reverend Jeremiah Wright almost nailed it but not quite. It’s not America’s pigeons that are coming home to roost.

No, No, No they’re Obama’s pigeons and I’m prepared to send him some of mine as well.

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