Thursday, July 30, 2009

"The Manchurian Teleprompter" and other Fairy Tales.

Congressman John Conyers, a Democrat, who represents a district in eastern Michigan which includes part of Detroit, said it all last week.

“No I haven’t read it and I’m not going to read it. Hell I’d need 2 days and 2 lawyers to go through all the 1000 pages”. I’m tempted to add that it’s more than possible that Mr. Conyers has never read 1000 pages of anything in his entire life and that’s cumulative.

And, that’s OK I guess. The last time I checked the ability and/or willingness to read were not requirements for election. Except for one nagging fact.

Mr. Conyers is the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, a passage through which the healthcare bill must pass. Anyway, he made that startling announcement during a speech at the National Press Club earlier this week.

So, do you think the guy will vote for it in Committee anyway? And, do you think he’ll somehow change his mind when it comes to a full House vote? You know the answer as well as I. And, you can take it to the bank that his ignorance will not be unique.

But the point is, how long can this great nation continue to be so while we return these clowns term after term after term?

One person knows this very well; it’s the “Manchurian Teleprompter” also known as Obama! He doesn't know what's in the bill either and you can tell that by his non-answers to what should be easy questions. Significant among these was the "deer trapped in the headlights" look when he was first asked about the compulsory counseling on end-of-life choices for Medicare recipients. Shades of "Logan's Run"?

Another facet of this unsurprising revelation is that, if the bill is so incapable of being understood, then what do you think are the chances for successful implementation and real benefit to the American public at large? I contend not much!

The political ramifications are huge and the fact remains that the Democrats do not need GOP support in order to ram it down our throats. They have the raw numbers in both the Senate and the House and so, if it fails to pass muster, it will not be because Republicans did not support it. This is precisely why I would like to see every GOP member vote, “No” or better yet, don’t vote either way. Let the liberals twist in the wind alone.

For more than a week now Pelosi has insisted that she has the votes in the House to ensure passage. This is pure humbug because, if she did, Obama wouldn’t have spent day after day jetting around the country in Air Force One trying to drum up support.

And, if you’re looking for a final commentary on the whole sorry mess, you need look no further than Obama’s own family doctor in Chicago. His verdict was that the measure has no chance of working as promised.

“It’s doomed”, he said.

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