Monday, July 13, 2009

The only one grinning is the Cheshire Cat ..

OK, Obama disciples talk your way out of this one.

Dateline: September 12, 2008

“I can make you a firm pledge that if you make less than $250,000 a year you will see no increase in any of your taxes. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains tax, not anywhere. In other words, your income will not suffer."

This has to be the Obama equivalent of,” Read my lips; No new taxes” uttered by the first President Bush. Well it cost him a second term and let’s hope history repeats itself. Again you have to remember that Obama is a lawyer and parsing words is that profession’s stock-in-trade.

Now time alone will tell if even he can parse his way out of the inevitable revelation that he did not tell the truth about taxes but let’s say he can but let’s also look at a mythical household like yours.

Assume a gross income of $100,000 and assume that right now you pay $25,000 in the various taxes. Now let’s say you pay $3000 to your local utility company for electricity and now you’re left with $72,000.

Obama has said it, and the House has proposed that the goal is to make so-called “green energy “the cheapest available. Now this would be great except for one thing; the only way to keep that promise is by making the sources we have today more expensive and Obama has said that too. Now just who does that hurt? Why, only the poorest of society who are supposed to be his strongest proponents.

Remember our mythical family budget which had $75,000 after tax but now deduct say, $4000 in utility costs and our family is down by a $1000 before we know it. Now I’m not pretending that someone making $100,000 is poor but I simply used that number in order that readers from Lake Havasu could follow the math. In any event our family is now down to $71,000.

And this isn’t some “maybe” or “could be”. There are two power companies locally known as Arizona Power Supply (APS) and the Salt River Project (SRP). The latter has this very day announced an almost 9% rate hike. But the inflation that would result from “Cap & Trade” doesn’t end with electricity prices.

Let’s say you started a small business making garbage cans a few years ago and despite all the odds it has succeeded. Diligence, hard work and a smattering of good luck have paid off to the extent that you want to expand and open a new manufacturing location in the next state. On top of all the usual bureaucratic-induced cost inherent in such a venture you now have to contend with the “Carbon Credit” issue. Some bean-counter somewhere has to figure out the “carbon footprint” for the new location and you have to buy carbon credits to match it.

Yes, you read me correctly; I did say “Buy”. Under Cap & Trade these United States will have a fixed allocation of credits and before your new “Nevada Garbage Can Inc.” produces its first product you will have to shell out cold hard cash. Of course, you are not alone in this quest and you are up against every giant corporation in the country for this finite resource. Even those from Lake Havasu know that competition for a finite resource means only one thing. The price goes up!

Corporations though are not in business just for the fun of it so if their costs go up they will pass those on to customers in the form of higher prices. Guess what, we’re all customers and we will pay which erodes the $71,000 left to our family yet again. And that same family cannot simply shop elsewhere because all American companies face the same burden. Of course the family and millions like them can choose to buy foreign products at a lower price. But what does that do for employment?

Al Gore, the ex-VP was in England last night and spoke at either Oxford or Cambridge. The Nobel Prizewinner proclaimed that he brought good news from the United States to the illustrious gathering before him. Not about global warming because even Ozone Al is having a hard time selling that these days, but he said it signalled an acceptance of "Global Governance".

Not by me it doesn't!! Because he means control. And that's what this is all about. PBS can show gut-wrenching video about a polar bear mommy on a melting ice-floe trying desperately to feed her adorable cubs while a few hours after the speech, Ozone Al is at 40,000 feet above their habitat in his Gulfstream V.

Your homework assignment is to calculate that flight's carbon footprint. Then you tell me if it's about global warming or "Global Governance"?

Even the most strident liberal should see the dilemma here; one worthy of Lewis Carroll’s Alice. If you don’t, there’s a community in Lake Havasu where you would feel right at home!

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