Monday, July 6, 2009

No Mulligans!

Many people I know do golf. For some, it seems that’s all they do and, if they aren’t actually doing it, they’re talking about doing it or they’re arranging to do it or they’re buying stuff which they believe will ensure they do it better next time.

I don’t do it. For a start, golfers cheat but I don't because then there is even less point than before the start. Secondly, it takes far too long and despite all the “Royal and Ancient” pretensions, there exist double standards of gigantic proportions.

Do you remember the player on the pro circuit who, because of some disability or other, sued for the right to use a cart between strokes? He won by the way, but the pompous huffing and puffing from blowhards on both sides of the Atlantic was preposterous.

When I voiced my support for this individual, I was told that fatigue was part of the game and therefore, the aforementioned individual would gain an unfair advantage if he or she were power-assisted.

My response was twofold. “If”, I argued, “fatigue was indeed part of the game”, then why were players not required to carry their own ridiculous weaponry and why not make them run between shots or strokes or hits or whatever their fatuous attempts are called? "At the least", I added, "impose some time limit". Also I opined why can’t they all use carts? The only people who would complain about getting the whole sorry ritual over sooner would be the TV networks. And for them, the networks I mean, how about a new idea; Speed Golf?

The reason I mention all this is to segue into Joe Biden’s appearance on TV yesterday. Following his unintended admission of a few weeks ago that this administration had “guessed wrong” about the financial climate and their response to it, he tried to pretend yesterday that they knew nothing until after the immaculation.

This is a lie.

I know that isn't very parliamentary language but I'm just a Blogger ......

For months before the election both political camps received regular briefings on issues critical to this republic. After the election, those briefings for Obama and his entourage were frequent and thorough. So it wasn’t the end of January as Biden claims but the beginning of November.

So, then he went on to declare that a second stimulus package could be waiting in the wings. Now we know that Joe has been known to speak out of turn before now and it is more than likely he has been taken out to the woodshed in order that he sees the error of his ways. Thus, when he then says that such a move has been contemplated, you know that he’s been told to float that balloon.

But, the problem is Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama, there is no more money for a second stimulus package unless you print, borrow or tax to get it. And Mr Biden and Mr Obama, the Great American Public is starting to wake up. Even a dyed-in-the-wool Obama supporter yesterday allowed that she now had an inkling of doubt.

The point is Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama, they now recall how it was just before the first package was stuffed down their throats. Remember it had to happen now; it couldn't wait even through the weekend or unemployment might reach 8%.

And leading the charge now comes Warren Buffett who is an unashamed Obama fan who has announced that the "stimulus isn't working". So why on earth would we repeat a process that doesn't work?

At the time, Obama was surfing in Hawaii and playing golf. Of course he was only doing the latter because, and I quote, "Golf keeps me in touch with regular people". On the other hand though, perhaps he was looking for his birth certificate. But, then again, probably not!

Anyway, the measure passed and last week the 8% figure became 9.5.

So Mr. Biden and Mr. Obama; we don’t have the money for any more guesses.

In the real world, there are no Mulligans!

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