Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Airplanes and Hare-Brains

I am not a manager by nature. The worst job I ever held was when somebody thought I’d be good at it. I wasn’t because it required me to lie and I am the worst liar ever. I would make a terrible spy, not because of the torture necessarily but simply because I’m a rotten liar.

Probably, for the same reason, although I’m sure it’s not the only one, I’d make a lousy politician. H.L. Mencken put it best when he wrote, “The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.”

Until the last election campaign I would have said that Clinton was the poster child for this theory. But I’ve since come to believe that he lied simply because he was incapable of telling the truth or because he simply could not tell the difference between belief and reality.

Obama’s lies though are different. They are a cynical and deliberate strategy to distort the truth for his own ends. Here are some examples:-

Throughout the campaign, after election and after his immaculation he has continued to mouth the dogma, oft repeated by the drive-by media, of tax cuts. Yet in the next breath we hear that he plans to raise the cap on pay as far as Social Security taxes are concerned. As a result, millions will see that liability increase dramatically and I, hasten to add, those millions are making a helluva’ lot less than the $250,000 which Obama claims is the portal to “wealth”.

In addition to this, Obama has hinted about the introduction of a “Wealth Tax” just in case other taxes alone won’t allow him to fund his lavish programs. Only one thing perhaps would dissuade him from that because a Wealth Tax, almost by definition, is a one-time opportunity. Once, you’ve hit ‘em that’s pretty much it whereas Income Tax is the “gift that keeps on giving”.

But there’s more! Where are the “shovel-ready” jobs we heard so much about in his sundry stimulus packages?

What about the 30,000 jobs to be lost at Boeing in St Louis because of cuts to the C17 and F118 programs. Swords into plowshares? I think not while at the same time the Pentagon is planning to add 20,000 jobs to oversee acquisitions. Surely even the most dull-witted and indoctrinated liberal can tell the difference between productive and non-productive labor,

And, while we are on things aeronautical, how about the jaunt of Air-Force One causing wide-spread panic in the streets of Manhattan which Obama claimed to know nothing about. It only cost $350,000 for a photo-op which now we are told, won’t be used.

Then, of course, he plans to load up both Air Force Ones plus heaven knows how many other pieces of our hardware and traipse off to Egypt to make his apology again to the Muslim world. Even Obama must have heard of CNN and the World Wide Web.

Or how about Obama’s budget deficit of $1.8 trillion which is four times the 2008 number and how about the promise to go through “line-by-line” and veto earmarks or his pledge to host a website where we the gullible can be the watchdogs? Where is the website? Have you seen it? Has anyone?

And, before we leave the nation’s finances were you aware that he proposes to raise 50 cents of every spending dollar by borrowing or by printing it?

Through all this the news media’s love affair with Obama continues as they keep telling us just how this is the most popular president of all time. Intriguing to some perhaps especially as it isn’t true. Polls taken recently indicate that after 100 days Obama’s popularity rating is lower than Presidents George W Bush, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon.

The major negative influence on Obama’s approval is that on the, campaign trail, he promised, and the media emphasized, his role and beliefs as a centrist. What has emerged though is a hard-line Leftist and an increasing number of people are disturbed by that realization. I wonder why this has not been reported by the MSNBCs and CNNs of this world? Don’t worry, the question is purely rhetorical. I know the answer just as I suspect you do too.

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