Saturday, May 9, 2009

The "primrose path of dalliance"!

Now the hoopla surrounding the “first 100 days” has receded except for those demented souls for whom it never will, I took a wander through my notes. And, as a result of walking that “primrose path of dalliance”, I came up with this.

Obama wants to remake America and he promised just that during the recent campaign. Not "restore," mind you. Not "rebuild." "Remake" -- as in, turning America into something it wasn't before.

And if we allow him and his fellow Democrats to continue along this path, the country I love will simply no longer exist. Everything that patriots have fought to defend and preserve will have been lost. In its place will be a country we scarcely recognize. What will it look like? Let me give you a glimpse...

During his campaign, Obama often spoke of his desire to "remake" America, and to be a "transformational" President. And over the next few months, Obama and the Democrats in Congress plan to deliver on that promise.

Under cover of "solving" an economic crisis that their buddies helped create and their policies will only make worse, they are engineering the most radical change in the relationship between our government and its citizens in America's 233-year history.

This is not "change" as I want it. How about you?


IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where a majority of citizens receive government handouts and benefits but pay no federal income taxes, while at the same time they are voting themselves still more benefits from the shrinking minority who do pay taxes -- at ever more "progressive" rates.

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where "universal health care" means waiting months, even years, for urgently needed treatment -- unless you happen to be politically powerful or connected -- and where all your private medical information is on a government database (don't worry: they promise never to use it against you!).

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where "green" ideologues and other nanny-staters dictate what we drive, what we eat, home energy usage, the size of our houses, and even how many children we can have.

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where our major industries, crippled by government mandates, taxes, and regulations, end up becoming taxpayer-supported dinosaurs that can no longer compete in the global marketplace.

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where all employers will be forced to hire and promote not according to ability but according to race, gender, and ethnicity -- all in the name of "diversity".

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where our once-great centers of finance, industry, culture, and innovation -- from New York to Silicon Valley -- will have gone to seed, while only Washington, D.C., and its environs prosper.

IT WILL BE AN AMERICA, in short, where only politicians, government bureaucrats, and their favored constituencies are able to thrive -- and where the only "liberty" that remains is the government's unlimited freedom to control every aspect of your life.

The reason I chose the title I did for this post was because it’s a quotation from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”.

"Do not, as some ungracious pastors do,
Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven,
Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine,
Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads
And recks not his own rede."

Wow! The stuff you learn in school, convinced that you're never going to use it. Good for doing crosswords and writing blogs, I guess!

But the major point is that it is from his most famous tragedy!

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