Monday, May 4, 2009

The Dog Days of Spring!

Doing the research for this Blog takes work and time and above all a determination to check and recheck the “facts" and the rumors and, to do all that, while trying to retain some level of objectivity. Yes, I’m an unashamed conservative but objectivity is not reserved unto the strident Left. So I decided to have a rest and to take the weekend off and I almost made it.

Perhaps the rot started to set in when I began to watch the news channels’ “talking head” shows on cable and elsewhere on Sunday. On every one there was a learned discussion about the likely nominee to replace Justice Souter of the “Supremes”.

Personally, I’d like to see Judge Judy but I doubt that will come to pass. Anyway the nodding “bobble-heads” on TV and radio surmised and they scratched chins in deep and profound thought.

OK, they assure me they are smarter because they’re inside the Beltway and they have their ear to the ground. On the prairies that maneuver would guarantee an ear filled with “ruminant ordure”. But in Barnsley, the initials would be “BS”.

Here are my predictions for Souter’s replacement.

Socialist, either declared or implicit
The Hague is more important than our Constitution

Maybe racist, maybe even anti-Semitic

Hey, Obama, I have the perfect candidate for you. Choose your wife.

She fits every one of those and she’s a lawyer. And her paycheck would go into the family checking account. And, when it comes to it, she’d may be able to save your desolate presidency as it crumbles.

But, there is just one snag. She’d never go for it. See, the $540 Lanvin sneakers she wore to the DC food bank just wouldn’t go with those ugly robes. Never mind, perhaps she could persuade some other high-end designer to submit their ideas. I’m sure we could bury it in some stimulus earmark or other.

Then, the rest of the weekend really went to hell.

A good friend of mine is now no more. She wasn’t very tall and her breath wasn’t the best and she had a soggy beard for most of each day.

However, she did not have an ounce of malice in her body. She was the only dog I ever really liked. Perhaps because she was the only dog that ever liked me. She never bit me, never even growled at me. She did piss on my feet once but that’s a whole other story.

So, prance on little dog, prance on into eternity and beyond just as you did on so many of our walks. Be careful to avoid getting your paws wet and I'll splash through the puddles in your wake. I'll let you off your leash right now because you want to run and I want to watch you do it but remember to wait for me at the next corner. I'll be there soon. I promise. ......

Then we'll decide which way to go ...........

Anyway, this little remembrance has for a while, at least, kept me “Busy”.

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