Thursday, May 28, 2009

If Comrade Stalin only knew .............

In the darkest days of Stalin’s grip on the Soviet Union, the mind-control mechanisms wielded by the State were so complete that impoverished citizens could be heard to remark that “Comrade Stalin just hasn’t been told how bad things are or he would do something”.

A couple of weeks ago, I heard a similar sentiment from a lady living in South Carolina who when faced with the continuing economic crisis in her state said, “I know he’s busy so President Obama just hasn’t got round to us yet”. All of which reminds me of one of the scariest reactions to Obama’s successful bid for the Oval Office. One demented individual actually proclaimed that her family’s problems were over. When I’ve told others of this woman’s ravings, many doubted it and, just in case you are one such, here’s a link to a video which is self explanatory.

Now consider these facts. It’s been just about a year since President Bush announced the first “stimulus” package. Clearly that did not work. Today marks the 100 day anniversary of Obama’s “stimulus” package. And, as of today, unemployment is at a 25 year high and still rising. Mortgage delinquencies including foreclosures are also at record highs. In other words, 12% of all home loans are in trouble and that number is not expected to drop before the end of 2010.

So we’ve poured billions to rescue the home owner and what have we gained? We’ve poured billions into GM and Chrysler because Obama claimed that “Bankruptcy is not an option”. What have we gained? We poured billions into cities and states to finance “shovel-ready” jobs. And now we learn that unemployment is at its highest and rising..

Here’s a case in point. According to Obama, Cleveland, Ohio was going to be able to increase its police manpower because of his “stimulus’. In fact, Obama went to the Academy’s graduation back at the beginning of March. Earlier this week, 90% of those newly-minted police officers were laid off.

Last night Obama was in Hollywood at a fund raiser and, predictably, the place was packed with limousine liberals. There he announced proudly that “we are back from the brink” and that “We ain’t seen nothing yet”. Really?

Perhaps the secret is that it doesn’t matter what this man says but simply how he says it.

Well, give me a choice between an orator and someone who really cares and I simply don’t care how that person pronounces “nuclear”.

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