Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Truth my Friend is Twisting in the Wind....

It’s Thursday, May 13th and Nancy Pelosi, known to her “friends” as “MCB (Ms. California Botox), is on Version 5 of “what did she know and when did she know it”.

At the same time, Obama has made a 180 on the torture pictures and on the future of the inmates of Camp Delta. Let’s take ‘em one at a time.

Today, the vociferous Left is up in arms about the pictures because they want them released and Obama campaigned on that very transparency especially if the revelation would hurt this country. The problem is that the AfPak affair is now Obama’s war and he’s probably right that the release would indeed fuel terrorist recruitment in some parts of the demented world.

So his dilemma was how to release the pictures while avoiding any blame down the road? Well, he’s a thug first but he’s a lawyer second and so when the Second Circuit ruled that the release should happen, Obama could have issued an Executive Order and that would have been that. But then he would have been on the Left’s *hit list. Instead, all he has to do is to instruct the DOJ to file a weak appeal with the Circuit. Voila, the appeal is thrown out, the pictures are released and Obama can claim innocence.

The other campaign promise and repeated often later was the closure of Gitmo. Now we learn that Obama’s team has determined that there are some inmates that cannot be released and may never appear in court. We also know that our Allies and countries that hate us don’t want them back either. So we are stuck, which was totally predictable.

And, in the meantime, the wire taps remain. All these were the policies of the previous Administration and all were vilified by the Obama campaign. Then add in the “fiscal irresponsibility” mantra and the promise of “line-by-line scrutiny”.

Where is the “Change"?

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