Thursday, May 21, 2009

Luke, I am your father!

When you think of “Star Wars”, what is the first character that leaps to mind? For me, and I think for many, it is Darth Vader.

And, for perhaps another many, there is now a Darth Vader redux, namely Vice-President Richard Cheney.

What motivates Dick Cheney?

He does not seek nor has he ever sought a higher office. He certainly doesn’t need the money and as far as I know, he doesn’t hunt out interns.

So why would he subject himself to the predictable abuse from the TV talking heads? The answer isn’t really too hard to figure out if you are willing to reintroduce some old-fashioned ideas back into the American Lexicon. Try these on for size:-

National Interest
Love of Country

No, they are not the same thing once you get past the labels. But there is something else as well. He is speaking from his heart and not from any sense of political ambition. Indeed, Cheney says that he has left the Republican Party. So have I. But, perhaps more accurately, the Republican Party has left me. If you doubt that, my party affiliation is in the public domain via the voting rolls.

I can hear at least one ex-wife yelling, “You see, it’s all about him.”

Give me just two wishes about the last four years of President Bush’s administration and the first would be to rein in the profligate spending; except that now with Obama that is small beer indeed. Secondly, I would have put Dick Cheney out there to refute the lies of the liberal Left and their media lackeys every damn day.

Now it seems Colin Powell knows what the Republican Party should be doing as he parrots the same line as Chris Matthews et al.

Let’s take a look shall we. Powell:-

Endorsed and voted for Obama. How much of that decision was racial is anybody’s guess.

Supports amnesty for more than 13 Million “illegals”.

Supports higher spending and the taxes to fund it and insists that is what most Americans want along with bigger government.

Supports abortion-on-demand.

Supports socialized medicine.

As Dick Cheney asked last week. “Is he still a Republican?”

See, the problem is this. The GOP put up a candidate pretty much like Powell’s “straw man” the last time around. And that proposal was applauded by the drive-bys. Guess what? No surprise to me nor to the drive-bys; he lost. And General Powell is promoting a repeat of a losing strategy?

Perhaps he’d like to refight “The Battle of the Bulge” and, if so, which side would he like to be on?

When I was still working, every once in a while an engineer would decide to join sales. It was known as “going over to the Dark Side.”

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