Sunday, May 17, 2009

Gaudeamus Igitur

"Our life is brief
It will be finished shortly.
Death comes quickly
Atrociously, it snatches us

Yesterday, in fact very early yesterday, I drove a friend to the airport. She was going to a grandson’s graduation. I met the young person only once about four years ago and I found him to be a truly delightful young man. He was the sort of young man who restores a cynic's belief in a future for our species. Four years later he is about to move on to the next stage of his life. At many graduations, some variation of “Gaudeamus Igitur” will be played.

Unless all my school Latin has deserted me the third verse of that opus, according to my translation, is the opening paragraph above. Mr. Parsons, (my Classics teacher) I tried!

I also try hard to ignore MSNBC and their numbers say it all; most Americans do the same thing. Sometimes though, stuff arrives which is so outrageous that it cannot be ignored. Yesterday was just such a day..

Norah O’Donnell was conducting an interview and tackled a guy from the "Cardinal Newman Society". The man was a devoted Catholic and deplored Notre Dame’s determined effort to invite Obama to that school for this year’s graduation. In addition, Notre Dame wanted to award a useless president, another meaningless honorary degree to add to his meaningless list of useless degrees.

It seems likely that Ms. O’Donnell is of Irish lineage and, given that, she is most likely Catholic. So, perhaps a little surprisingly considering that, but not so surprisingly considering for whom she works, she went on the attack.

She wanted to know why, according to the "Cardinal Newman Society’s" president Patrick Reilly, Obama should not go to Notre Dame for the commencement and to accept an honorary degree. And he (Mr. Reilly) tried to explain that Notre Dame was a private school founded on Catholic principles and that Catholicism denounces abortion. In contrast to Obama who embraces it, nay enthuses over it.

Now, Ms. Norah really came unglued and demanded to know, “Why was it OK then for Presidents Bush and Reagan to be accorded the same honor while they supported the death penalty”.

Can she not see any dichotomy here? Can no supporter of abortion-on-demand see a paradox?

The difference, Ms. Norah O’Donnell, is that the tiny baby in the womb is absolutely innocent and has hurt no one. While the person strapped to a gurney in San Quentin about to die peacefully via lethal injection, is likely the convicted murderer of innocents just like that poor little soul.

Odd perhaps, a Gallup poll published last week revealed that the American public now opposes abortion by a margin of 51 to 42 percent.

As, I write Obama is in South Bend, Indiana. If he had any semblance of decency he would have declined the invitation and cited theological and personal differences. But he’s a thug, a lawyer, and an opportunist. Any of those alone preclude decency and combined they are lethal.

Especially to unborn babies. Sometimes even the more adept abortionists get it wrong. Sometimes, in spite of their despicable actions, the baby is delivered alive. Twice while in the Illinois Senate, Obama voted to indemnify abortionists who then completed their infanticide.

Which brings us back to the opening paragraph of this post:-

"Our life is brief
It will be finished shortly.
Death comes quickly
Atrociously, it snatches us

They will never graduate from university or from kindergarten not even from their first diaper.

But, Obama, The Killer in Chief has prevailed.

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