Sunday, June 14, 2009

Green should now mean Stop! or Else!

Cogito ergo sum!

We, that’s the collective we apart from me, voted for “change” last November. Those candles still burn in the hopes of the “righteous”, not as brightly as once they did. One or two are now sputtering a bit and one more died this weekend leaving a messy circle of wax on the table and a stench in the air of things to come.

According to the Obama-dominated media, the election in Iran was a done deal because President Bush was now gone. Obama had spoken from Cairo and Axelrod had proclaimed from Washington that his boss’ had “reset the tempo between America and the Arab World” and that Obama welcomed the new dialog that was taking place in Iran and that he looked forward to a new beginning.

What a load of narcissistic crap?

Now ignore the fact that Iran isn’t Arab and even if the teleprompter didn’t know that, Obama should’ve. But let’s not dwell on petty screw-ups and let’s not worry any more about the preliminary bouts.

There was an election held in Iran about two days ago. The breathless US media wallowed in their access to the people in that country. “It was a new day, a new time, a chance for “Change”!

Better yet, a “Green Change”!

So, we saw countless TV crews from here and from Europe touring the streets in search of it. Of course they found it. Bad reporters always do. Good reporters find bad news and sometimes they’re die for it professionally or sometimes literally.

“Obama”, they cried. “Change”, their placards said. One guy with green hair and an, obviously new tattoo yelled in fractured English, “Yes we can”.

But the mullahs had already ordained, “No you can’t”. And they could have added, but didn’t; and you never will as long as we are here.

What a shock this has been to the Obama and his supporters? It was all supposed to be different. I remember a “Star Trek” episode where a people could change their reality simply by wishing it so. I even have an ex-wife who still believes in it.

I know that some of my readers view my beliefs as pure cynicism. Maybe they are, but cut me a little slack and allow a little considered realism. I contend that the only true green that was obvious around this election was that a lot people driven by emotion wanted to believe in it.

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