Thursday, June 4, 2009

Some Die and Some Lie!

Two days ago a young man was killed in Arkansas. He wasn’t rich, he wasn’t famous. He was doing his job. His name was Private James Long and he worked in a Recruitment Center in Fort Smith. Then a Muslim cut him down with a firearm. A couple of days before that an abortionist was murdered in Kansas. The immediate reaction from the White House on the former was nothing and there is still none. As a result of the latter though, FBI agents were dispatched to whichever Death Camp asked for it.

There is an amazing and a frightening double standard in play and it took center stage today in Cairo at the latest Obama grovel.

I didn’t catch all of it but I did get these snippets. Obama claimed that:

Algebra came from Islam. No, it first saw birth in Babylon, more than 1000 years before Mohamed

The next claim was the magnetic compass; last time I checked that was the Chinese.

Then there came the scientific achievements in medicine, science etc. How many Nobel awards have gone to Muslims from Islamic countries?

I loved the claim about Muslims inventing the Arch. Has Obama ever been to Rome? And, if he did, did he ever get Michelle’s head out of the shoe shops to take a look around?

Next was Music. When the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, music and dancing were capital offences.

And with that last point, I have to combine his last claim that Islam was tolerant of other faiths with the gruesome addition that the Taliban synchronized a beheading of a British hostage. We can only pray that it was quick and, for Obama’s soul, that it was done by the moderate Taliban because Obama wants to talk to them.

That was the easy part.

He did refer to the Holocaust; once! But then, “On the other hand”, he strove to find a moral equivalence when he referred to the “daily humiliations” of the Palestinians”. Also, unmentioned was the fact that those humiliations were caused by and stoked by the surrounding Arab neighbors.

Perhaps, the greatest hurt I’ve heard in a long time was when an Obama supporter with a good education and one who prides herself on her sensitivity reduced the Holocaust to “a gross indignity”

She's never been to that pile of shoes. The museum sprays them with a mist of water to keep them whole. I will never forget that smell and that's when I cried.

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