Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Knit One, Purl Two!

Help! I’m in a time warp. Even though I live in Arizona and it’s June; nevertheless it’s time to get a sweater. You know, one just like Jimmy Carter wore back in the seventies.

With every day that goes by and with every speech the teleprompter displays we’ve gone back thirty years. Appeasement is the order of the day.

Well that strategy didn’t work for Neville Chamberlain back in the 1930’s. If it had I might have had a sibling right now but almost certainly I would be also minus one foreskin. Given my druthers, I’d welcome the miniscule weight loss and embrace the little sister I craved.

And, the program of appeasement didn’t work any better for the peanut farmer from Georgia.

And it’s not going to do any better now!

Obama was quick to take credit for what he thought was going to be an endorsement of his Cairo speech when he was convinced that “Change” was coming via Iran’s election. But now, when it has not turned out that way, there is nothing from Obama to protest the outcome nor the brutal treatment of the Iranians who won’t roll over. Now, all we hear is his praise for the “robust nature of the debate”, as people are shot in the streets.

Then Panetta declared that Vice President Cheney would welcome another terrorist (I’ll use the word even if Clinton, Napolitano et al will not) attack in the homeland. I am not a litigious person but if I was Cheney I’d sue his ass. In the meantime, the White House says nothing.

In less than 6 months we have seen more czars from Obama than Imperial Russia saw in the same number of centuries. One of the reasons that Obama likes the idea of czars is that it avoids scrutiny by us. Remember us? We the people who are supposed to run this place. See, if he nominates a designated cabinet post, that nominee has to be questioned and approved or not by Congress.

This way, Obama gets to rule not govern!

It takes a lot of pieces to complete a complex jigsaw puzzle. A lot more than the strands of wool it takes to knit a sweater. Eventually though, the picture becomes clear.

It’s an apologist declaring that, “It’s all for my good.”

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