Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Name is Jimmuh!

If Jimmy Carter were dead today I would sign up to believe in reincarnation. Some readers won’t remember his presidency and trust me you are happier for it.

James Earl Carter sat in the White House during the worst period of inflation in my lifetime; there were lines to buy gas even on the days when you were allowed to, mortgage rates were above 20%, Americans were being held hostage in Iran but Jimmy filled his days with tasks vital to this Republic such as scheduling the games on the White House tennis court.

Now we have Barack Hussein Obama. Iran is about to go nuclear and their electorate is being shot dead in their streets. That same nation is finding on their electoral recount that the candidate chosen by the demented clerics gained more votes than on the first time around. A bit like Minnesota really where, back in November, the GOP candidate for the US Senate was ahead but since then every recount has turned up more votes for Al Franken.

But I digress ……

Then we have North Korea threatening Hawaii or somewhere like it. Iran is promising, not threatening mind, to wipe the only democracy in the Middle East of the map. Never mind that Israel is our only ally in that part of the world and there we are now seen as thugs favoring the Islamists.

At home, our finances are out of control, courtesy of Obama. He wants to dictate your healthcare; his congressional minions are voting for the biggest tax and control legislation in the history of the country, the dollar is in a slide because the Chinese don’t believe the lies of people like Geithner, Boxer or Pelosi and are fleeing the currency.

But there stands Obama yesterday in Carter’s virtual shadow, promising to take another look at “Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell" and swearing to replace the light bulbs in the White House.

Let’s be honest though, he did concern himself with one bit of foreign policy. He did declare his support for the socialist President of Honduras who fled his country after he had tried to subvert his own constitution and “do a Chavez”, namely to be “President for Life”.

Fortunately, for that small country, their Supreme Court prevailed backed by their law enforcement and by their military.

Let’s hope we don’t need it here ever but if we do, let’s hope the same forces will come to our aid.

The time to really get worried will be when I see Obama sitting by a fire wearing a very ugly sweater while dreaming of revocation of the 22nd Amendment. For those in Lake Havasu, that's the one limiting a president to two terms.

Make no mistake though, it will be an ugly Cardin sweater as, whatever else she does, I’m sure Michelle doesn’t knit!

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