Friday, June 26, 2009

Long Live Nick at Nite!

Well there were a couple of good things on TV on Wednesday evening. For a start there was “Rhoda” and “Frazier”. Then, if you really looked hard, there was one of my favorites, another rerun of “Barney Miller”.

All those programs had one thing in common. According to Nielsen, they all beat out the ABC Love Fest about healthcare.

I always loved “Rhoda” and her mother was just like my mother-in law, G-d rest her soul.

On the broadcast last night, Obama had the gall to reiterate his spurious assertion that, “he would allow me to keep my own doctor”. What right does this man have to allow me to do anything?

He has forgotten, if he ever knew it, that I employ him. His predecessor knew it as did the first President Bush. Clinton didn’t but we know what drove him don’t we?

But, all that aside, again we see a lawyer parsing words. He can make the claim he did but how can you and I elect to continue our current health insurance if our employer does not offer it anymore? There was a book written back in the 60’s by the guy who put Avis on the map. The book was titled “Up the Organization” and it contained several memorable quotations. One was, “If you are not in business for fun or profit; why are you here”? Some businesses I suspect were formed initially just for fun but the ones that survived learned quickly that the fun has a price. And the price has to be paid out of profits. Clearly, therefore, if a corporation can optimize profit by cutting cost it will do so. In fact, in the case of a public company, it is obligated so to do.

Add to all this and decide, as the Obama plan does, to tax the employee’s health benefit and claim still that the individual has a choice …………… Unless you’re a union member that is because the Bill specifically excludes those people from that added penalty.

A few other snippets and observations about the Kennedy Bill and Wednesday’s infomercial.

Members of Congress are exempt from any requirement to use the proposed system. It took a line-by-line analysis by John Fund of “The Wall Street Journal” for that to see the light of scrutiny.

Even ABC are now rethinking their participation in the broadcast because it was obvious that Obama could not explain some provisions of his own legislation. Once or twice we saw the “deer caught in the headlights” look. Surely though, the piece de resistance was the admission by Obama that he would not necessarily look to the government scheme in the case of his own wife and family.

Perhaps for the first time, ABC and the Obama administration are relieved that their opus was bested by a rerun of “Barney Miller”!

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