Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday, Bloody Monday!

I don’t listen to exit polls and there are good reasons why.

More often than not they’re wrong but I do listen when the readers of this Blog respond to a direct question. Now, honestly, I don’t know the political leanings of all the readers.

Some I know for certain I think, because I know the people concerned. Some I can guess at, but there are a lot of readers I don’t know, which is one of the reasons I asked the question of a few days ago in the first place.

Essentially the question was, “When does (pick your favorite crisis) become Obama’s problem? Sorry, the voting closed earlier this morning so your chad will just have to hang.

10% of the respondents still blame President George W. Bush for everything. One, poor demented soul, from G-d knows where, thought that Gerald Ford was to blame. Another, a more honest person at least, although equally demented, mailed that I would know when “Obama Rule” prevailed because there wouldn’t be any bad news. I'm pretty sure I'll know that person should I ever meet him or her as they emerge from the refrigerator box camped under the Red Rock Freeway.

The bottom line, though, was that 85% of those who responded said Obama owns it; whatever it is. And that view even came from two people who regard President Bush as Evil Personified.

Now I have to start on the media and for the Obama camp, there is good news and then there is bad news. On Friday evening there was a flurry and then a flood of adulation for Obama on MSNBC. Back in 2007, on the same program Evan Thomas of “Newsweek” intoned that it was his job to “bash the President”. Then, last Friday, he said that, while Reagan was all about America, (ignoring the fact that he (Reagan) took out the Soviet Union without firing a shot), “Obama is above all that. He is above country. He is above the world. He is a sort of G-d”.

Now this deserves repetition. We’ve gone from messianic to deity in a few short months.

And little Chrissy Matthews egged him on with breathless interspersions of “Yes”, and, “You’re Right”.

No wonder Matthews gets “tingles” up his leg. It was G-d doing it.

Now for the bad news, very few people watch MSNBC!

OK, OK, I promised some comments on things economic.

Your reading assignment this week is “1984” and “Animal Farm” because we have truly entered the era of “Orwell Speak”.

Today, I heard it said that because only 350,000 jobs were lost last month, things are getting better. How about this for an analogy? The serial killer is still out there but there have been less deaths than before.

Even the Associated Press today opined that, “we cannot spend our way out of a recession”. In fact they continued, “It’s having the opposite effect”. But Biden yesterday and Obama today insisted on doubling down on a demonstrably failed policy.

And it's not just been failing here in the last few months but all over the world in recorded history.

It's old theory, failed theory wherever it's been tried.

Sorry Marx and Lenin and Engels and Trotsky and Mao and Castro and Chavez and ......

....... and Obama,

No wonder Europe is turning to the Right!

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